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  • Sounds useful but I'm not sure it actually will be...Object code is often spread among several event sheets and you have to factor in families & containers o.o;

  • Well from what I've gathered you still can't do real-time online multiplayer with C2 so why bother? Single-player Minecraft and Terraria is extremely...dull.

    And Sulli, if everyone thought like that there wouldn't be any more games. Terraria itself is more or less a ripoff of Minecraft.

  • People aren't going to be more interested in your game because you used Frogger - a character with absolutely zero thought put into it. It's a frog. In fact, I think you're better off naming it anything other than Frogger. Also, why so hung up on trademarks and legal matters? There are literally thousands of rip-offs and knock-offs and what have you out there. Just make the game ;)

  • I wasn't even aware that was still an option lol. Check out Node Webkit.

  • It seems to have gotten worse in the last few builds. I thought it was something on my end but after stripping down a few things it's still there. About a month ago scrolling would be very smooth with barely any snags.

  • More than I want to know ;)

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  • There's a 3rd party plugin for some Node Webkit-specific features including window controls but it doesn't work with 'minify script' enabled and 'resize window' seems to be off a bit..I tried inputting the different resolutions myself, and also tried retrieving the window size at start then multiplying it, but neither are accurate.

    Could these window controls be added to the official node webkit plugin?

    (Set width, set height, get width, get height, set x, set y, disable resize, etc.)

    Also is there any way to retrieve the user's screen size? There's no way to center the window after resizing it without this.

    Also would it be possible to adjust the "window size" even in full-screen? That was pretty cool in CC.

  • I didn't quite get what Tokinsom did. I mean, why not use any behavior for the movement? And how would I be able to jump to a higher plataform or fall from edges? Waiting for a enlightment :D

    Because there aren't any behaviors for this type of movement and the previous method is totally impractical. You'll need to code it yourself. Platform depth is just an illusion as it is in top-down RPGs. You achieve it by offsetting .Y_Orig. Try using the shadow to detect them. I'd work on the .capx more but I don't have the time right now. Best of luck!

  • They are sort of meant for different things. You might use an array for a tile-based level editor or grid-based inventory. A hashtable or dictionary could be used for save data ("Lives","Level","Score",etc.). Just depends on which is more suitable for your needs.

  • I used to fall in that same trap all the time. Ya work on something for a month, get demotivated or think of something cooler/more fun, then work on that for a month..before you know it you've got 20 unfinished games or what have you. Here are some things that have helped me..

    -Take a break from game development/games as a whole. Eventually you'll start thinking about your awesome project and how badly you want to work on it and finish it ^^

    -Work on a different aspect of the game for a while. Tired of spriting? Go work on some music. Tired of level design? Go make some bosses and enemies. Tired of that? Make some collectibles and powerups!

    -Never work on something just because it sounds cool or whatever. Make sure you can do it and really, really want to. The most demotivating thing I can think of is fixing bugs for hours on end or days/weeks/even months on some feature set you don't fully understand. You finally finish it and..well..great, now that's done. Only 5,000 more features to go!

    -Don't be afraid to cut features. Sometimes less is more. I see lots of games with full-blown crafting and stuff and 9 times out of 10 it's just a burden.

    -Polish polish polish! If you can't think of anything new at the moment go and improve what's already there. Your game will look & feel better and so will your outlook.

    -I've found that writing stories for my games helps because it creates a sort of sentimental/emotional bond between you and the game, and the story needs to be told! The thought of no one ever knowing it makes me sad, so I work harder!

  • Rofl. It's not like it's difficult. It just doesn't pick up any of my *totally standard and commonly used* gamepads that all of my machines & everything else have for the past 10+ years, so I haven't been able to test it at all. Doesn't seem reliable in any way.

  • Is there a list of currently supported gamepads?

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