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  • ^ They take 30% if that's what you're asking.

  • Using C2 you're technically developing for any platform it supports..."Developing solely for PC" translates to "I clicked Node Webkit export instead" lol. Unless you're using NW-exclusive features, that is..but still.

  • -Yep


    -Yeah but you need to register with apple at $99 a year and so on iirc


    -Check out the Scirra Store above. Not much in it at the moment but I'm sure there will be soon enough. There are also lots of .capx files to learn from around here, and of course the manual.

  • Use families. Put Sprite9 in the family, then compare collisions between sprite9 and the family.

  • Yeah it looks like instead of flipping the tiles it flips the positions of the tiles..or something. I've tried changing the hot spot and a few other things but nothing works. It worked perfectly a few builds ago...

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Sounds cool but if it only runs on mac then :)

  • Just create the tiles at .PhysicalX+Tile.Width/2

  • Likewise. Not very convenient either!

  • Yeah it's pretty difficult to read toggled events, but I guess that's the point. Perhaps the text can be grayed out instead?

  • Yeah I don't really get it either. Elaboration needed! (Why not just add node webkit in the browser preview list? >:T)

  • Arg, can't find it. Might've been in the "How Do I" section instead. He basically said it'd be difficult/impossible with the way families are currently set up.

    Inheritance is pretty important. I think it's far more efficient to give a behavior to a family instead of individual objects so that surface modifiers and such apply to everything. You could also do stuff like freeze any enemy when it's hit. If you do this now you won't be able to access the behaviors from the "Enemies" family :T I've resorted to making a single family with all behaviors and activating/deactivating them as needed, then using a variable to separate enemy from player, base from mask, and so on. It's not a very elegant solution...

  • Lots of time and space :)

    Someone asked about this a little while ago and Ashley more or less said it's not happening. Would be very useful though...

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