But 180� is looking the same as 0�. The point is that there is a discrepancy between Tiled and the plugin
Yeah it looks like instead of flipping the tiles it flips the positions of the tiles..or something. I've tried changing the hot spot and a few other things but nothing works. It worked perfectly a few builds ago...
<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/105711543/derp.png" border="0" />
Sorry, I could not reproduce this bug, could you give me a simple test tmx file? (include picture file)
In my test, the tile could be flipped correctly. So I updated the tmx importer plugin.
Sorry, my mistake.
If the tile was flipped + mirrored, it would be the same as rotate 90 degree. (not 180, my mistake)
And I could not reproduce this problem too, could you give me a simple tmx file? include picture file so that I could open it in tmx editor.
I made this test:
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/FSF539x.png" border="0" />
Flipped + Mirrored: looks the same as normal. ONLY mirrored or ONLY flipped works as usual
90 Degrees: looks like it rotated counter-clockwise
So, flipped + mirrored is not the same as 90 degrees
These are the events:
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/s7IHPqY.png" border="0" />
I see. I had updated plugin again, please try it.
Thank you for pasting the event code.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Looks like it's working perfectly now ^^ Good job
I actually got it working by setting 2 PVs to TMXImporter.IsMirrored/Flipped then flipping/mirroring them in another event if they weren't. I'll check out the update though :)
Add a diagram of execution flow in the first post.
<img src="http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j352/rexrainbow1/TMXImporter_1tick_zps9aa9161c.png" border="0" />
<img src="http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j352/rexrainbow1/TMXImporter_duration_zps87492b00.png" border="0" />
Hope it could help users.
Hey rex, any plans on supporting polygon objects?
<object x="288" y="8">
<polygon points="0,0 8,-8 24,0 16,16 0,16"/>
Then having something like TMXImporter.ObjectPolyX(0) will give you 0, ObjectPolyX(1) will give you 8, etc
Okey, I need some days.
No need to hurry :P But thanks ^^
Hello guys! I'm starting to learn Construct 2 and I'm trying to reproduce the test_TMXImporter.capx of this plugin but I get stuck in the very beginning. The problem is that I can't obtain the Desert Sprite (as animation) from the tmw_desert_spacing.png of the example. The question: how do you convert that 265x199 png into the 34x34 animation? Are you using a third party software? Thank you.
Rex Thanks for all your plugins!
Hello! Well, I've found the answer to my last question, was pretty easy but it got me stuck for the whole saturday :p
So, I did the whole proyect I run it but all I get is a white screen (no iso map) any ideas?
rodlaiz.com/sandra/test_TMXImporter_adv_iso.capx (my reputation doesn't allow me to make links, sorry)
The link doesn't seem to be working