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  • You don't want the physics behavior for your player or anywhere in your game from the looks of it. It's meant for like...angry birds. Use the platform behavior. C2's built-in behaviors, unlike many other programs, are actually pretty good and reliable.

    As for your world, look into the TMX Importer, AJAX, and project files. You'll have to load your rooms dynamically using data from a pre-existing minimap that you can also create in Tiled or your own editor.

    Start small man, you've got a long way to go.

    (Great graphics btw. Also looks like a really cool MMX/Metroid hybrid.)

  • Probably never. Letterbox integer scale isn't meant for mobile devices..looks bad.

  • You can make your own in 10 minutes.

  • Actually we are forced to use CocoonJS; we have not been provided any better options. We've been waiting for YEARS, man. Every update fixes one thing and breaks 50 others. Now the vast majority get nothing but a black screen.

    Considering some users have paid upwards of $500 this is unacceptable and they have every right to bitch all they want.

    I've given up on it entirely and no, it's not a problem with my "logic". I've been using MMF, CC, and C2 for over 8 years.

    I love working with Construct 2 and I will continue to support Scirra for a long time but the mobile side of it is a complete bust.

  • "Trigger once" limits the action to one instance. Not sure why. Real pain to work around sometimes.

  • Submit a bug report with a .capx.

  • Not yet :T This game is on hold until I finish my current project and put together the right team. Was thinking about putting up a new video with updates/further explanation just the other day though (it was in development for 9 months after the last video)..might still do that.

  • Uhh welcome to life dewd.

  • Sounds like you're working your way to an early grave, friend.

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  • Tokinsom Are you suggesting I manually save every object position and variable to a dictionary/webstorage every time I want to save the game? That's a whole lot of effort for no good reason.

    There's a reason many games have dedicated save rooms or only allow you to save in the overworld :)

    Also you could loop through the enemies to save their positions and such, but loading them will be a pain. We REALLY need "Create Object By Name". Don't care if it makes it easier for people to cheat, it's a necessity.

  • You already have all the control you need using Dictionaries & Webstorage for your save data instead. The built-in save feature is only useful for the shift+F5 preview and is in no way a reliable form of save data because you can't retrieve nor modify any of it.

  • 1. Haven't used arrays in a while but when I did I did not have this problem. If it's a bug then make a .capx where you can reproduce it and file a bug report.

    2. I guess buttons are a windows thing.

    3. Dictionaries and their keys are extremely useful. I use them solely for game/save data.

    4. Major update with CocoonJS recently, bugs are to be expected.

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Member since 6 Jun, 2010

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