Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • There's no need to add "every 0.1 seconds".

  • I think the only drawback to having all-in-one objects is all the animations are loaded when only a single instance is created, which affects loading times a bit.

  • Depends on the game. Mario and Super Metroid benefit greatly from a run button (keep in mind in SM you don't have to hold it down; Samus retains her speed)

    For Zero Mission or Fusion however, it's totally pointless...but they made it that way.

    As for the button layout just use ZXC or ASD and include keymapping.

  • Such services do not warrant half the funding. Maybe 5%.

    C2 can't really export to OUYA right now.

  • +1

    The tutorials are great for general usage and stuff like how to use SVN, but are actually quite a deterrent since they require paragraph upon paragraph and dozens of screenshots and the like. The majority of them are just ridiculous - There's a 6-page tutorial on how to do a double jump...

    Here you go:

    +Player is Falling

    +User presses key

    -Simulate Jump

    How about a triple jump? Add a variable. Use your brain.

    It'd be far quicker and easier to just post a well-commented .capx that a user can experiment with or add to their own project off the bat. No filler.

    That aside, yes, we really need more sub-forums. This is one of the smallest forums I've ever been to and there are all kinds of topics in the "wrong" place because there isn't a more suitable one.

  • I actually strongly prefer there not be a warning message since there are 3 of every sound & music file and this would just add yet another step to the process. I think there was already a thread on this where most everyone agreed. Same for the image editor. If you accidentally delete one (somehow...) just undo it.

  • What does pixel stretching have to do with aliasing? Look at the fullscreen options.

  • .> I just highlight the event and remember the event number.

  • I'd just like it to remember where it was the last time I used it. Every time I debug I make it a separate window, move my browser over, resize the debugger, track down the last object I was on, etc.

    It's also kinda difficult to find the object I'm looking for.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Wait until the object says "2"

    2. Press Enter to pause

    3. Wait a few seconds, then unpause.

    Observed result:

    The object immediately goes to the next frame.

    Expected result:

    The object should stay on "2" for a much longer time since its frame speed is 10.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Construct 2 version:


  • Sounds like you're looking for dictionaries.

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