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  • Try this.

    Needs some tweaking but you get the idea. It's best to put the platform behavior in the family instead so you can mess with it via events. (Setting vector X will to 0 will let you move the object down only a pixel or two instead of ~6, to prevent that "jerk")

    Also your sprite mask should never use collisions or behaviors; make a separate simple-shape object like a rectangle for that, then set the sprite mask to 0,0 of it every tick.

  • Yeah I really wish something will be done about this. It was a huge problem in an earlier project of mine. I don't have access to it atm but what you can do is use collision offsets to see if the player is over a gap they should fall into, then move it down a couple pixels. Currently platform objects move right around corners if they are ~2 pixels below them. Most likely due to how they handle slopes.

  • You can set up a control config using key codes.

  • Check out dictionaries.

  • +Every Tick

    -Set Y to Self.Y-60*dt

  • Yeah that's uh..not a good workaround, and is unfortunately the answer every single time this is asked.

  • Not really. I use all-in-one objects wherever possible. Only drawback is slightly longer loading times because everything in the object is accounted for.

  • Check out BFXR and Labchirp. Way too many people use them though, and randomly generate a bunch of garbage. You really need to spend some time with them to get good sounds.

  • Honestly the drawing stuff is the least useful imo. Not many games use stuff like that, whereas almost every game out there can make use of pasting and the rest. What about an action to bake textures?

    Create tiles

    Bake tiles, omitting special ones

    Destroy tiles

    Aw yiss. 60 fps.

  • Yeah I did that but there seems to be a memory leak too :T

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  • I've been working on a few tile-based games in C2 for a while now and performance, after doing every trick in the book, is not very good. This is due to the hefty amount of sprite objects acting as tiles.

    We need some sort of canvas plugin to paste tiles into prior to destroying them, converting hundreds if not thousands of objects into a handful of larger images which drastically increases performance.

    I used to do this with R0j0hound's canvas plugin but from what I've gathered it's not WebGL compatible and causes memory leaks when doing this. Doesn't look like it'll be fixed any time soon..

    Ashley That said, have you guys ever considered hiring someone to write an official canvas plugin as you did for spritefont? This is only one of the many, many uses for it!

  • You should have some games lined up before doing this. I have no idea what the funding is for except empty promises. There aren't even links or anything to your past work. Also, capitalize your i's >.>

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