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  • Thank you so much for answering. :)

  • Hi there!

    I have the next problem with the "Voice Recorder" example include on C3.

    I recorded an audio using the "record audio" and it plays ok.

    If I do a remote preview on my mobile:

    -Download the audio. works ok

    But when I create the apk when I press download nothing happen.

    Any idea about this?

  • Hi there!

    1.On layout properties you need to check on the "unbounded scrolling".

    2.On the start of your first layout: System- scroll to (layoutwidth/2,layoutheigth/2).

    That is!


  • Hi there!

    I know this has been asked since long time ago, but now, with the new Construc3 runtime and other improvements...

    Is possible to load an audio with the File Chooser plugin?

    Somebody bring some light to the topic, please.


  • Thank you so so much. I appreciate it. :)

  • Solved!

    The problem was that I wrote on the properties of Mobile Advert the ID of the intersidial ad intead of the app id.

    When you do this, looks like the app it is not going to open.


  • Hi!

    I have an app where the user is supposed to dont touch the screen for long time, but soon the mobile falls into sleep mode.

    I know there is a plugin in the Master Collection that can acomplish this, but is there any free option or something I could do througt the events to prevent the sleep mode?



  • I found the problem. If I delete the Mobile Advert plugin it opens again normally. Lets see if I find what is wrong with the plugin.


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  • How are we supposed to guess?

    You are supposed to know if the same happens to your apps.

    When I said "nothing happens" I mean the app doesn't open

  • Hi there!

    I have upload 2 of my apps using the C3 version 197.2

    Everything looks fine and install properly from PlayStore, but when I click the icon of the app on my phone nothing happen.

    Anyone with the same promblem? Any clue?

    If you want to check, i talking about this 2 apps:


  • Hi there!

    As I also have some problems creating the key inside Construct. I want to share with you and with others with the same problem a tip that allow you to build the apk quite easily.


    -Have Android Studio installed (or just the tool apksigner)

    -Have already a keystore created (.jks or .keystore)

    1.Export your project as "unsigned release apk" (let´s call this GAME.apk)

    2.Keep a copy of GAME.apk and also a copy of your keystore (let´s call this MYKEY.jks) in the folder inside the Android Studio, where is the file apksigner.bat. In my case, apksigner.bat is in:


    So, inside this folder a have a copy of GAME.apk and a copy of MYKEY.jks

    3.Run the cmd (command console) and go to the folder where is the apksginer.bat, your GAME.apk and MYKEY.jks.

    4.Write this command:

    apksigner sign --ks MYKEY.jks --out GAME_SIGNED.apk GAME.apk

    when you press enter a message asking for you 2 keystore passwords will appear.

    A new file GAME_SIGNED.apk will be created on the folder

    Once you do it once, it is a quite fast method.

    Cheers! :)

  • Thanks for your help. You are the best! :)

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