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  • Hi everyone!

    I usually save my project´s progress on the cloud, but today for some reason it gave me an error, so I decided to saved as "project folder" option.

    When I come back to work, uppps! big surprise. There is not a capx file on there, only a c3proj file, and I can not open that on C3.

    Anyone does konw if its possible to open this?


  • There are a lot of ways to do that but you can try with "pick by uid". Every sprite have a different ID and you can use that to make your comparations. ... conditions

    Look for "Pick" section

  • I dont know if you write wrong on purpose. But pack have to have 3 parameters com.yourcompany.yourgametittle

  • Nice nice nice!

  • Interesting

  • Yes, it is. I love it

    It is not enough for you to share on "Your Construct3 creations" section?

  • Beautifull graphics!

  • What kind of issues?

  • satch Dev

    Thanks, it was one of my first apps. It was 2 weeks of work for the first version plus the updates. I didn´t expect to take so many downloads but I did a good ASO and I noticed a big different the day that I changed an ugly icon for the new one, in this point I started to get good downloads per day.

    After that, I made a few games that gave me a lot of work, with 4 or six months to get 1,2 or 3 downloads per day.

    Construct has the potential to create any kind of thing and is easy to make little or not so little software.

    Where I am taking more downloads is on my "non-game" apps. In this order:

    -Hip Hop Beat Maker ... pbeatmaker

    -Auto Locator ... .carfinder

    -Fart Prank Sounds ... ekdu.bpct3

    -Hang Handpand ... anghandpan

    Now, this second version of Hip Hop Beat Maker Studio is going to be my first pay app, because it has behind a lot of work and I thing it has the quality required to be pay-app.

    It has a difficult work with "Schedule next play" with makes the sounds more accurates on the tempo.

    The sounds effects can be activated for each group of sounds and modificate its parameters. So, is easy to make a sound to sounds in many different ways. Also, it has many events to don't overcharge the memory and on my test devices is working pretty good at the moment. Maybe on an old device could work slow, I don't know.

    I hope to make the release soon.

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • I think so. If you add new content to your game when the user loads a previous game could be some errors.

    For example, if in the version 1.0 the life of your character is represented by 3 hearts and in the version 2.0 you modify this to be represented by a number from 0 to 100.

    When the user loads a game on your 2.0 version that had been previously saved on the 1.0 version....the user will see the 3 hearts, or if you have deleted that sprite probably he doesn't see anything. can avoid this using the condition >On game replace old elements.

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  • To make a simple savegame is better to use the save/load, it is the easiest way.

    But local storage is very useful, for example:

    If you want your game to be completely reset each time the user starts the game, but you want to keep the level of the player and the levels unblocked.

    You only save these few things to a local storage.

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Member since 21 Apr, 2015

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