can anyone create new keystores right now?

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  • Hey yall. So, I just finished the first draft of a new android game. I can build and play debug apk's perfectly. The app runs smoothly, and I have no 3rd party addons or plugins. Everything is straight from construct 3's editor. Today, I tried to export my first signed android app bundle. I made a new Keystore using constructs Keystore generator and took a screenshot of the passwords and settings I entered before I generated it. When I tried to enter the data and build the project, construct returns an error. The error box just says: "unfortunately your project failed to build...bla bla bla", and the error log, just contains the word 'error'.

    OK, I entered the passwords wrong. I tried three more times using the screenshot of the original passwords I entered as reference. Eventually, I deleted the Keystore, made a new one, and tried again, using all lower case passwords. I thought that may have been the issue. Nope. Same issues. I gave up on the android bundle, and tried regular signed apks. I got this error:

    EDIT: I had pasted the error here, but it was huge, and the error is actually shown in a screen shot down below, so I deleted it to clean up the topic.

    any ideas?

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  • Ok, I did more testing. I made a blank construct project, created a keystore, and tried to use it to sign the app to create an app bundle. I got the same blank 'error' message. I can't create working apk's right now.

    To prove I am not crazy, I went back to an old game of mine and exported it to a signed android app bundle,(which I had never actually tried before today), and the old keystore still worked fine. I'm not crazy. I know how to use this export tool. I simply can't create working keystores right now. Help!

  • I just created a new keystore and did a signed release APK build, and it worked fine.

    The error message includes "Wrong password?" which suggests the password was incorrect.

  • Well, I'll try again today, but I attempted to make six keystores yesterday. I took a screen shot of the passwords before I generated it every time. I can't see how I could have gotten the passwords wrong. I guess I'll mess with it again today. Keep you posted.

  • Image removed

  • any thoughts? Ashley

  • Hi there!

    As I also have some problems creating the key inside Construct. I want to share with you and with others with the same problem a tip that allow you to build the apk quite easily.


    -Have Android Studio installed (or just the tool apksigner)

    -Have already a keystore created (.jks or .keystore)

    1.Export your project as "unsigned release apk" (let´s call this GAME.apk)

    2.Keep a copy of GAME.apk and also a copy of your keystore (let´s call this MYKEY.jks) in the folder inside the Android Studio, where is the file apksigner.bat. In my case, apksigner.bat is in:


    So, inside this folder a have a copy of GAME.apk and a copy of MYKEY.jks

    3.Run the cmd (command console) and go to the folder where is the apksginer.bat, your GAME.apk and MYKEY.jks.

    4.Write this command:

    apksigner sign --ks MYKEY.jks --out GAME_SIGNED.apk GAME.apk

    when you press enter a message asking for you 2 keystore passwords will appear.

    A new file GAME_SIGNED.apk will be created on the folder

    Once you do it once, it is a quite fast method.

    Cheers! :)

  • Yes, BigKabeza, I know there are other ways to sign your apk's. Thanks for letting me know though. I really just want this to work, so I don't have to use another method. Also, there may be other people with this problem, in witch case, I need to find out if I should file a bug report. The problem here is that no one seems to be able to replicate it but me. I can't create working keystores on any device. I used to be able to. So, perhaps a recent update or my recent renewal of my subscription is to blame. I don't know.

    I have tried two different computers, one phone, three browsers, and multiple different settings and projects. I can't create working keystores. I am NOT entering the passwords wrong. My above documentation proves that. The error I get seems to depend on the type of export (app bundle or signed apk) and the browser.

    Today I tried to sign a blank construct 3 project using a keystore I made a long time ago for a different game, And it worked perfectly. I can use keystores I made months ago just fine. But any keystore I make right now will not work. depending on the browser, It may not even give me a keystore. With edge, I get an error when I try to build a keystore.

    I started this thread thinking that I had done something stupid and that was why I could not make any keystores. But I can't see anything I could be doing wrong. If any of the scirra peeps take a look at this, leave a reply. I am super curious as to what you think is going on.

  • for them to be able to do anything about it, you should make a minimal project replicating the error and submit it as bug report.

  • Heya,

    I ran through doing these steps and it was working for me - I made a blank project (gave it the basic details and such) and then made a signed release APK, new keystore and everything.

    Build completes fine.

    Very unusual that you are getting this.

  • Ya, I know. Thanks you two. Good to know someone saw this. Here is my underlying problem: I am the only one this happens to. There is no reason to file a bug report because it is unreplicatable short of giving out my account.

    This dident always happen to me. This started very recently.

  • haypers I'm getting the exact same problem. I've tried going through the process many different way but seem to end up with the same error as you. Haven't tried another browser yet though.

  • Ashley , I reached out to haypers and have been working with them for a couple of hours today, and I have found how to reliably reproduce this bug on my login.

    I think there's a bug either in the field mapping either when creating a keystore, or when entering the key and keystore passwords, as I can get a consistent "Bad password" error now.

    With the same project, same details, but the ONLY difference being the failed build uses two different passwords, and the successful build using the same password for both the keystore and key.

    Screenshot below. Left is the successful keystore, the right is the failed one (including me typing the password to rule out me typing this incorrectly).

  • Absolute legend, works perfect for me now. Many thanks!!!

  • Jase00 thanks man. We did work a lot this morning running tests.

    Having a different password and passkey when creating your keystore will cause the keystore to not work. But that should not happen. This is some sort of bug.

    Now, I will say a bit about this because this leaves some unanswered questions. Yes, this is in fact the problem. Having the same keyword and password will break your keystore. But it shouldn't be a problem. This is what Jase00 was talking about:

    I think there's a bug either in the field mapping either when creating a keystore, or when entering the key and keystore passwords

    The keystores I use to sign all my older games(that I created and use with construct 3) have separate and unique passwords and passkeys. Different from each other. And keystores are clearly designed to work that way. This is a recent bug.


    I don't recommend anyone create a keystore with the same password and passkey, as it lowers it's security. Up to scirra Ashleyto tell us what to do now.

    Thanks y'all.

    If Ashley wants a bug report, I'll do that. Also, I'd be curious if Ashley can recreate this problem now that we are fairly sure what causes it. If that is the case, good job everyone. We figured it out.

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