Maybe I didn't clearly explain my problem.
I tried the solution by newt and it works perfectly fine. However, the array technique I wanted to use was for Levels to download. I planned to allow people to upload their own levels.
Now, the thing is, I first made the array size like this:
x - 640
y - 480
z - 1
The problem is, the file get's extremly big. It's 4MB big!
So I thought to make this like the picture in the first post. Using only this:
x - 18
y - 12
z - 1
This makes the file tiny and more acceptable to download the file. The thing is, the only way I know is, to make event to test what place the object is:
Wall is in position x=32, y=419
-> Add value 1 at Array (x=1, y=1)
To do this, I would have to make a lot of events. That's why I want to ask, is there any other way to make as less events as possible, not to cluter the event sheet?