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  • No offense, but why does the original player sprite never change? (Edit: I thought they might be placeholder, but just in case...)

    All graphics are placeholders, that's why it looks so weird, it's a prototype after all.

    The topmost three blocks which the boulders are resting against to the right are solid from below rather than platforms.

    Thanks, I didn't notice that.

    As for selling the game, don't get too ahead of yourself. Making a game, let alone a series of episodes, is a big project. It isn't wrong to think about selling your game, but ask yourself two things:

    1) Am I getting too concerned with the selling of this game that it is detracting from my work on the project?

    I know, I have done games before. The thing I want to know now is if people actually like to play this games and maybe pay for this one in particular, if it has more production values, otherwise I will just stop developing this prototype and move on to something else, because I really do not want to work on something that nobody would pay for.

    2) Will anyone actually want to buy this? Is it worth buying? What makes it stand out from free Flash games and similar?

    Exactly, see above. But that's a good question, what makes it stand out from similar games is that this one is very casual, and has some unique features.

    I'd also think deeply about how you want your platform creation to work. Having them spawn right where you are standing might not be the best. I found it awkward to use.

    You mean when you press UP arrow key?, could you elaborate more on this?, I really do not understand why someone would find it awkward.

    Finally, you said you wanted to show off the main features, but there isn't much to show in the demo. It would be nice to see how you plan to handle items.

    /Constructive Criticism

    I know, it is very very basic, I just wanted to know if for now it has acceptable and enjoyable set of features since if It does not work right as it is in this basic level, then it is not going to work if I add more stuff.

    It doesn't run for me. This is the first Construct game to crash upon opening... using Windows 7 64-bit.

    That's weird, I use only the basic stuff on Construct so I guess this shouldn't happen. I'll see what I can do and I'll post something later. Thanks for letting me know.

    Thanks everyone, keep the comments and Constructive Criticism comming.

  • It works now, thanks a lot.

  • Thanks, here is a screenshot: (it is not a sub-event)

    <img src="">

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  • Thanks for the Tutorial, but what parts specifically do you think needs more work? (having in mind it's a prototype).

  • I want your opinions on my new project, a plataform RPG inspired in Wonderboy in Monsterland.

    It has many features, and in this prototype I wanted to show it's main ones. I want to make a very casual plataformer, and I also want to include most of the features of Wonderboy in Monsterland, that is, buy clothing, equipement, and get stronger, while progressing in the levels.

    I want to know your opinions, ideas, critiques, what you would like to see in this kind of game?.

    Also I want to know if you would buy this kind of game in an episodic manner, for like 5 dollars or less. Instead of a big game, I plan to make several small episodes of this game, adding new features/enemies in each episode and advancing the story, with more levels of course.

    Thanks a lot and let me know what you think.

    <img src="">


  • I have many instances in a row, and each of them should create particles and be destroyed when they collide with a "sword" object, but when they collide the only one that creates particles is one, even though all of them get destroyed.

    I know the collisions work because all of them get destroyed, I just don't understand why they do'nt create particles as they should. What can I do so all of them create particles?.

  • Great, Thanks both. I figured a nice way to do it just using Timeline object, like this:

    I create a timeline with no periods, an empty one, and I add periods with events, each calling the textbox with the desired text and eny other action I want. I also put a text object called "Text_test" with a private variable called 'text number' to be able to switch to the next timeline period when a key is pressed. Make sure to uncheck the Timeline not to load on start on the properties bar.

    For example:

    +On Collision between Player and Character

    -Timeline: Load and Play Timeline "Timeline1"

    -Timeline: Add str(Text_test('text number')) period <-- I use a private variable with a starting value of 1

    +On Period "1" begin: Write Text "First dialogue Text"

    +On Period "2" begin: Write Text "Second dialogue Text"

    +On Period "3" begin: Write Text "Third dialogue Text"

    +On any key pressed AND Player Overlaps Character:

    -Timeline: Finish time period str(Text_test.Value('text number'))

    -Text_test: add 1 to 'text number'

    -Timeline: Add str(Text_test('text number')) period

    I hope that helps, and thanks for the ideas!.

  • I want dialogues like in a Japanese RPG, where there is a portrait of the character talking, and lots of text to read for each character.

    I was trying to learn how to use the Text Manipulator object to try to do this, and some advice on how to use it would help since I could not find out how.

    I want to be able to read all the dialogues from files, so I can write all the text for a character and not worry about measuring it to fit on the text box, so if the text loaded into the text box reaches two lines of text, it automatically stops reading the text from the file and waits player input so it can display other 2 lines of text until the dialogue for that character is over, then it switches to another character dialogue text.

    If possible, I want to be able to read from a file the name of the character, all it's dialogue, what portrait to show and the position of the text box. That would be all I need, for now.

    How could I achieve this?.

  • Timer is a behavior, so you can add a timer behavior to an object if you want a timer. Then you can control it from events, you can activate it and set it to repeat itself and do whatever you want when it "ticks" by using the event "on Timer".

    I can't help you with the other ones becuase I'm new too

  • Hello, I am a blitzmax user, previously I have made a puzzle game called "Happier than you," and now that I have come to know Construct, which I love, I set a new goal of creating a plataform game, I love to use construct and the game is getting into shape quickly. By the way, I want to make a casual plataformer, we will see if I achieve it or not.

    Edit: Just wanted to apologize for posting a link to my site in my first post, I understand your doubts and I assure you I'll keep coming back to this forums, as I said before, I allready started developing a plataformer in this awesome tool that is Construct. No hard feelings.

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Member since 16 Feb, 2010

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