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  • Thanks for the reply, I exported it as a html5 web project using construct exporter.

  • Hi, a company contacted me about my game, they tested it in various devices (it works fine in my pc browser and S4 mini) I don't possess and asked If I could fix the game to solve these problems:

    S3 mini: game runs smoothly, game doesn't fit properly, sometimes the game is flickering

    iPhone 4: game stucks at the loading screen, not playable

    iPad Mini 1: game crashes while loading the first level / map and the page reloads automatically, not playable

    Tab3 lite: Jigsaw bug (due to WebGL, no possible fix)

    Are these problems general of html5 or construct games?, should I just say that these problems have no solution?.

  • Still looking for help.

  • Sent you a PM EyezWidee.

  • Still looking for help.

  • bump.

  • Hi, we have a game in alpha state, which is suffering compatibility problems in some mobile devices, we need someone who can fix them and make our game run on as many devices as posible.

    The devices used to test the game so far are:

    1- Sony Xperia Neo V: the game asks for webgl, and then there is only a black screen.

    2- Blackberry Playbook: like above.

    3- Blackberry Z10: start button doesn't start game.

    4- Samsung galaxy s2: runs fine on chrome. On native browser it hangs up on first start.

    We need someone who can test our game in similar devices and others, and who can fix them. This is a paid job.

    Please contact me for more info and send me your portfolio of work, thanks.

  • Just wanted to say I also have this same problem. Any solutions?.

  • I didn't try the latest stable release, but does it solve any problems regarding this type of problem? I checked the change list and I didn't read anything like it.

    The objects used are tilemaps and tiled background.

    Thanks a lot for the reply.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I still need help with this, any hints?, any ideas?, where could I learn the necesary things in order to find out what is going on?,


  • Hi, my game does not run as espected on some browser, it runs perfectly fine on desktop browsers though.

    One of my sponsors which I sold a license to told me that the game does not show graphics as they should.

    This is what the game looks like with iPhone 4s:

    The grid should not appear, I don't know where that grid comes from.

    Also, on galaxy s2 and s3, when I change tabs on the browser and come back to the game, the game freezes.

    I only have a galaxy s2 to test, the other devices where used by my client.

    Any idea of how can I start to solve this problem?, what should I find out first? what do I need to learn?. Please help since I am not experienced in mobile browsers, any hint is appreaciated, thanks.

  • I want to keep selling licences. But it depends on the agreement we reach with the client.

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Member since 16 Feb, 2010

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