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  • Check the highlighted action, it shows some parameters set just a few actions above, these parameters contain the indexes of the loops, the thing is it does not clear the parameters and it only shows the parameter that are before the "Clear parameters" action, it does not allow me to add other parameters after the "clear"either, they end up containing nothing.

    What could be causing this?.

    <img src="">

  • I really like how the guy walks, It's really funny.

    Keep up the good work (I have seen your sketchbook in, really awesome job, I'm Christian223 there).

  • That makes sense, I don't want to make it very complex though, but I'll try to implement it so it fits a casual gameplay, or at least something close to that.

    Thanks a lot. Keep the comments coming.

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  • I was thinking in making the weapon and armor upgrade automatic because you'll allways choose the most powerful one, right?, so why not have it automaticaly chosen for you?.

    Do you know how to make the keys customizable by the player?.

  • UPDATE!!!!

    Here are the most important new changes:

    -It saves the progress between rooms, including player equipment and changes in the room.

    -You can increase your hearts by picking items.

    -You can get different sets of equipment (in this version you can just change swords, but that can be expanded with ease now).

    -You can enter doors and access different rooms, allowing gameplay like in Metroid where there are lots of rooms to explore.

    -You can mount certain monsters. Possibly to go through dangerous terrain without being harmed.

    Please try it and let me know if there are any problems, I'm experiencing some weird behaviour I did not notice in the older version, at times the game changes speed for a few milliseconds and I don't know what's causing it.

    Also let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions and things you would like to see in this game. Thanks a lot.


    Instructions: Press X when you are on the door to enter. Press X on the chest to get swords.

  • I think this might be a bug.

    If in a Function I pick the farthest object away from a point, it even picks objects which have been destroyed at startup.

    Is it? or is it not?, that's my dilemma...

  • Thanks for the replies. I got the saving thing working, for now, maybe I'll come back asking more questions when I get in trouble again.


  • Thanks both, I created a new thread with this same issue.


  • Here is what I want to do:

    1- The player breaks some "Bricks" in a room.

    2- The player leaves the room/layout.

    3- The player returns to the room/layout.

    4- The rooms does not re-create the bricks the player destroyed, but remains as the player left it.

    I tried doing this by creating a brick spawner that only creates one brick when it's private variable 'destroyed' equals 0.

    So when I destroy a Brick, the brick get's destroyed but the brick spawner stays there, and I change it's private variable 'destroyed' to 1.

    When I leave the room, I save each brick spawner UID as keys, and the value of their 'destroyed' variable as their corresponding value.

    When I re-enter the room, I load the hash table, I compare the keys to find the corresponding instance with their matching UID (with the "brick spawner Pick by UID equals to Hashtable.CurrentKey" sub-event, inside a "(HashTable) For each key" event), then put the HashTable.CurrentValue in its 'destroyed' variable.

    Makes sense?. This doesn't seem to work.

    I checked the debugger and it seems that each time I leave the room and go back to it, the bricks get a brand new/different UID, so how can I keep track of each individual brick and it's state?. Am I missing a feature that would make all this much easier?. Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks a lot for the quick response. I'll save to disk then.


    I case anyone else Is having problems with this, I had some crashes while trying to save while at the same time a TIMER was active, so I downloaded version 0.99.83 of Contruct and the problems was solved.

  • I tried to use it to save a layout, leave to another layout and then return to the first one and see it as I left it when I load it, but quicksave/quickload only works if I load the same layout I am in, it does not work if I load a quicksave from another layout, is this how it's supposed to work? or is it a bug?.

  • Thanks a lot Mr Wolf, that was extremely clear, I will apply what you said.

    And about the graphics, they are just placeholders, for now I'll just concentrate on programming and gameplay, when I have that finished I'll create more art.

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Member since 16 Feb, 2010

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