Great, Thanks both. I figured a nice way to do it just using Timeline object, like this:
I create a timeline with no periods, an empty one, and I add periods with events, each calling the textbox with the desired text and eny other action I want. I also put a text object called "Text_test" with a private variable called 'text number' to be able to switch to the next timeline period when a key is pressed. Make sure to uncheck the Timeline not to load on start on the properties bar.
For example:
+On Collision between Player and Character
-Timeline: Load and Play Timeline "Timeline1"
-Timeline: Add str(Text_test('text number')) period <-- I use a private variable with a starting value of 1
+On Period "1" begin: Write Text "First dialogue Text"
+On Period "2" begin: Write Text "Second dialogue Text"
+On Period "3" begin: Write Text "Third dialogue Text"
+On any key pressed AND Player Overlaps Character:
-Timeline: Finish time period str(Text_test.Value('text number'))
-Text_test: add 1 to 'text number'
-Timeline: Add str(Text_test('text number')) period
I hope that helps, and thanks for the ideas!.