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    Yea I'll work through the bugs with webgpu to make them easier to spot on what causes them. I have contacted AMD but because I don't have an RX they are putting me through diagnostic procedures I can't do haha.

    Yea webgpu fixes it but not on node webkit, I'm unsure if this is because node webkit may be defaulting to webgl regardless? (Is this a bug not allowing webgpu on nwjs, not sure)

    The bugs I have on webgpu are probably easier to sort if I isolate them then pass them over to you in the usual bug reporting. 👍

    Where can I contact AMD? I do own a computer with the issue.

    By the way, the issue isn't very hard to replicate at all. Just have an AMD card. I've tested over 5 different cards, and every one had the issue. You can imagine my despair when I have a game that uses 3D set to release in October. Due to this issue I'll have to delay it for sure.

    In my opinion, it doesn't matter if it's AMD, WebGPU, or whatever issue - as one of the creators of the engine that has the issue Ashley , it should be your job to go after the issue and try to understand it better. As an end-user, I don't know how you've programmed the 3D in the engine, so even if I reach out to AMD, how am I to explain what's the engine doing?

    I hope that turning the WebGPU option off helps somewhat, but now I have to go through my entire game and check out if anything has changed. I'll still try to contact AMD though.

    Once again, just a heads up for anyone who comes to the thread wondering why their 3D game is broken in C3 - right now, no AMD cards can run the 3D Construct games properly.

    This is still an on-going issue, and now it's affecting browsers too, when it wasn't before - so maybe it's a chromium issue?

    Edit - also happening on Firefox 129.0.2, so not chromium issue. Definitely an AMD issue.

    Just a heads up - I know graphic card bugs are a nightmare, but due to this bug, no Construct games that use 3D will be playable in AMD cards. I'd love to get in touch with AMD and tag it as a bug, but I'm not even sure where to report this.

    This is still an on-going issue, and now it's affecting browsers too, when it wasn't before - so maybe it's a chromium issue?

  • That's too bad, this makes iframes pratically unusable for gamepad supported games :(

    I tried iframeElem.contentWindow.focus(); too but it didn't work properly. The only way I could figure out to make it work was to add window.focus(); in the <script> parts of the html page. This makes the window focused enough for gamepad and keyboard to work on it, but for some reason if you're only using gamepads, there's no sound.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm trying to create an iframe while the game is running, and loading a .html file that's included in my Files folder in the project manager.

    It works great, but I couldn't get it to focus properly. I tried adding

    <script type="text/javascript">

    In the .html file, and it kinda does the trick, but only if I press any key on my keyboard after the creating of the iframe. Also, it somewhat works with gamepads, but for some reason the sound won't play, as if the iframe isn't properly focused.

    Here's the code I currently have, trying to run a GB emulator inside an iframe:

    Any ideas are appreciated!!


  • Sorry for the double post - I ended up figuring it out by using Query String values.

    So instead of calling the iframe to open "gb.html", I call it to open:

    "gb.html?game=" & gg_gamename

    Where gg_gamename is a variable that contains the rom name that I want the emulator to open. I plan to also add query strings for each button, so the player can use the same controls as C3 inside of the gb emulator.

  • Hello,

    In my game, I'm using an exported GB Studio game inside of an iframe, as shown here:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    To achieve this, I just imported all gb studio generated files and imported them in the Files folder in the Project Manager (while redirecting everything to be outside of folders).

    This works fine, but I want to be able to get C3's variables from inside the Script.JS file. I've looked around, but I still can't quite grasp how to achieve that.

    I've tried creating a main.js file, and tried referencing it in the gb.html file, which loads the emulator, but since the Script.JS code is only called when the iframe is created, I get a "main.js:5 Uncaught ReferenceError: runOnStartup is not defined" error.

    Any help is appreciated!

  • +1 for Electron

    I like both, and I've shipped games with both also, but I had a easier time using Electron (with ElectronForConstruct ) then NWjs last year.

    That being said, NWjs was also very outdated last year - and it seems the new Greenworks plugin is updated to use the latest version - but I agree with Mikal that still it would be better than NWjs.

    Just by Googling we can compare apps made in NWjs and Electron and it seems Electron has the upper hand.

  • R0J0hound

    Very cool! I made this small change so you can have square scarf pieces that adjust their width and lenght to the next piece. Looks pretty cool!

    Here's the capx:!AuQM7MihYyx4pMJ9EB4iZgf-jrLeVg

  • 1. Open any .capx (here's one with basic events)

    2. Drag an action (either the "Set Variable1 to 1" or "Set Variable 2 to 2" will work)

    3. Move it up and down but don't release the mouse button

    4. Press an arrow key (to select either the event or any other action)

    5. Release the mouse button

    Construct 2 crashes instantly.

  • I've been working with Ratalaika for these past few months and it has been amazing, they're the first publisher I work with who takes my work seriously. The porting is incredible, to see my older C2 games running perfectly on the newest consoles was absolutely amazing!

    I'm extremely glad we have a way to get C2/C3 games onto consoles with them.

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm wondering if it's possible to take the player's angle in account when using positioned audio.

    The example that comes with C2 really just either plays the sound relative to a sidescrolling position, not a top-down one.

    I'm trying to achieve something like this:

    Is there a way?


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