Content tagged iframe

The HTML Inline Frame element (iframe) represents a nested browsing context, embedding another HTML page into the current one.

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Communicating with an iFrame
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This demonstration will show you how to communicate with an iFrame in Construct 3. You can get the template at this URL : Contact me on Fiverr if you want furth...


In the file attached you will learn how to use Javascript 3d library and combine with Construct 3 iframe to display 3d backgrounds and 3d objects to create a 3d...

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In the File Attached you will learn how to manipulating iframes using functions from C3 with Javascript. Using Json , iframes , Ajax , HTML Code , Javascript. A...

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How to Make A HTML WebSite With Construct 3
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In the file attached you will learn how to make a Complete Website using Construct 3. This uses iframe and interate with other HTML pages in project bar , so yo...

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Within the PARENT Web Page, Declare your variable(s). Example: Var my_var = 'hello world!'; Embed your C2 in C3 game in the PARENT web page inside an iFrame: Wi...


In this video, we are going to see how to setup cross-window communication between iFrame and its parent site with postMessage() and Construct 3. We are going t...

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Problem with the C3 IFRAME plugin
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I'm having problems with the C3 IFRAME. It doesn't load external pages, from the internet. I think it's a browser blocker that the C3 uses to load the game. In...

posted 5 years ago
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I try this method as in the screenshot, but it doesn't work after exporting to APK. The same applies to JS scripts. JS doesn't work if you specify the path to t...

posted 5 years ago
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Forum Topic
iFrame with text not scrolling on iOS
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I've added an iFrame in my game with content to an url with just text in it. When I play it in a webbrowser on laptop I can scroll the text, but on iPad nothing...

  • 8 replies
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I have a small sprite at the bottom of the screen called CallStore. I want to place an iframe behind this sprite with the url directed to an empty HTML file in...