FancySamantha's Recent Forum Activity

  • > Now this is interesting!

    > Even if making really complex thing with this, including collisions, would be too difficult, this could at least be used for some great backgrounds/foregrounds.


    > Nice work!


    look for my "what i learned at school today" example.

    Im curious, what does the example include and where can I find it?

  • Since this is a thread about danmaku engines I guess I could post my input as well.

    I'm creating a bullet hell game for TIGSource's Assemblee Part 2 called Lowblow - Fantastic Awakened Passion:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    I decided to simply cheat when it comes to the 3D backgrounds, which works quite well - the current test level thing looks reasonably convincing enough. It's also built with variable level progress speed in mind, and doing stuff like adding different objects to the background scenery shouldn't be hard. So really, 3D backgrounds aren't a showstopper for making your danmaku engine, you just need to cheat a little

    Firstly I want to mention that the game looks awesome, the dialogue looks funny was well, I wouldnt mind test playing. Second I think itd be possible to make 3D backgrounds via 2D graphics and the right math, mind PMing me some kind of example of how the bamboo's work? ((im assuming they work like the ones on Mokou's stage))

  • Im actually working on a Danmaku engine as well. Not sure if the final version is going to be used in Construct though, because I want it to at least have decent support for full 3D backgrounds.

    Still, cool work and keep it up!

    The same fact bothered me as well, although I heard plugins are being created to fix that, it is open source after all, il still give this program a fair try.

  • This will really give me hope, it seems 3D backgrounds were the only thing this engine didnt have that I wanted.

  • Okay so i'm still new at the whole Construct thing but I decided that I would show people where im at and get some helfull suggestions from the members here, i'm aware that it's a mess so far, and it isnt user friendly even for the one who made it...yes even I lose myself in this thing.


    What I have:

    Player movement

    -Shooting(Z button)

    -Focused movement and focused shots (Hold Shift)

    -Bombing (Press X, you have two but its not written on screen)

    -Small hitboxes

    -Enemy bullets

    A few problems:

    No real death yet, no enemies yet, lots of stuff missing

    -Extreme lag while bombing which messes up the timing on everything

    -Holding the X button in the corner but not closing the program makes holes in the pattern, way too exploitable!

    -No invincibilty during bombing

    -Alot more probably

    Like I said im new and could use some suggestions and critique improve my event-writing ability, and again, i'm aware alot is missing I want to be judged for what I already have.


    An exe is in the rar file, it's simply an old version of the same project

  • Okay so once again referring to the Touhou games, the game can use a ton of bullets because of small hitboxes, the main hitbox is just a pixel and since I have the option that works fine but when it comes to bullets of it gets weird, if I go with per pixel then their too big, and bounding box is even worst obviously, can I make like a certain box withing a bullet for the hitbox?


    All graphics for bullets are in the same bullet object, as frames, id need to be able to change said bounding box

    there are many bullets onscreen, so this process should not take much CPU

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  • Also when I try to rename a second timeline it renames the first no matter what...huh...

  • So I set the Bomb_Delay to 6000 just like how much time it takes to finish one bomb cycle and every 1 millisecond the game is set to drop the Bomb_Delay by 1, until it gets to 0 letting you bomb again. Obviously this doesnt work because even after a minute the delay hasnt passed, but by now I figured I could just make another timeline instead. But is there even a way to check something every millisecond?

  • Okay so i'm curently trying to figure out how many ticks it would take to be exactly equal to 6000 milliseconds. When the player bombs (the process takes a total of 6000 milliseconds according to the Timeline object) theres a variable that becomes a certain number and decreases by one every tick, but no matter how I calculate it I either get a delay time which isnt what I want, or a bomb starts before the previous one ends, messing up the pattern royally.

    how much does a tick vary from a millisecond?

  • fog isnt difficult to implement, just adjust opacity or filter settings based on Z height of each box id imagine

    Wouldn't that color the whole box instead of making a gradient-like effect depending on how close the 'camera' is?

  • Being somewhat of an open source program wouldnt there be a way to add some functions trough add-ons or plugins? The only thing that bothers me is that the FPS engine doesnt seem to have fog which helps with avoiding pop-up with the 3D graphics.

  • Well it seems that there isn't a wikia page explaining the Timeline object, if so I couldn't find one, and the link on the Object List page leads to an non-existing wikia page so I guess there isn't one just yet. I tried a bit of expirimentation with the object but I never managed to make anything, It looks like something simple but by poking around with it without knowing how it works I cant make anything.

    Soooo...How can I make a chain of events with specific timing using the Timeline object?

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Member since 21 Nov, 2009

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