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  • Wow to think the option was there this whole time, I feel so stupid now, the sooner I lose my newbie status the better XD But I'm glad to know I have the option now. Anyways il make sure to learn to properly use it tomorow.

  • Okay so iv'e been making some decent danmaku, and a few basic unfinished Danmaku games, but one thing I noticed is that the creation of bullets and enemies takes alot of space, even when seperating the events in appropriate groups, so what I wanted to create was functions, but I dont know how.

    For example if I could use a function like this:

    CreateShot(X, Y, Speed, Angle, Frame, Additive)

    It would be alot more managable than setting the bullet's parameter with 6 different events.

  • a very good example, as it has everything I mentioned, 2D graphics imitating 3D ones, and fog for extra effect, and theres even some snow in this one, think itd be possible somehow?

  • Mmm just render background first and then add it into Construct?

    You mean like record the background? the background is basically scrolling trough a 3D enviroment, so how would that work? and what program would you use to render?

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  • I wasn't able to find anything on the Construct Wiki so I assummed it wasn't an option yet, is it something that can be added as a plugin? is there plugins available? Basically I just need it for show and it doesnt need any interaction whatsoever. Again reffering to the Touhou series the the sprites play in 2D while the 3D background helps show the enviroment around you, it doesnt need fancy models just sprites using X,Y,Z positioning and rotation, with some effects like Fog.

    If you have any suggetions it would be appreciated.

  • I might make post a .cap somewhere if the problem is new, basically it happened a few times, I write a variable, notice my events arent working just right, and noticing that alot of events use the first global variable of the list. if I write Variable3 it goes back to Variable1.


    Condition: If ________ is equal to 0

    If Variable3 is equal to 0

    After saving the changes:

    If Variable1 is equal to 0

    And I can't correct it, it keeps going back

  • I have an event that creates a bullet every couple of frames, and for the x and y positions I used a formula to create a intricate pattern and it works besides for the fact that I cant seem to have my two global variables in my formula at once, every time I write 'Angle' (second variable) it goes to 'Distance' (First variable) even if I never originaly wrote it that way in the first place.

    How can I fix this?

  • That game wouldn't be taxing at all if you don't use any > 0.0 shaders. Bullet behavior takes practically no cpu.

    I saw Bit Fortress on another site somewhere and asked myself the question: is it made in this engine? (A yes would be pretty encouraging, dont lie though.)

  • Your example probably would be taxing on most low end machines, but probably less for the amount of objects, and more for what they are doing.

    Still most machines should be able to run something similar. It didn't seem to me that there was much over a thousand objects at a given time there.

    Making a game targeted to gaming computers only doesn't seem too efficient though, even when I had an outdated laptop it seems that the example game was still very playable, and it hardly seemed to lag, I keep wondering what kind of secret is used to make so many object do so many dynamic things and yet speed never drops

  • I tend to backup what im trying to describe with a video, once you see it you might notice why I need so many objects onscreen, as im going for the same video game genre

    Obviously the whole game is never that hard but it's still existant.

  • I think it's really fast until you go into anything effects heavy - like using canvas objects for overlay passes or motion blur or heavy pixel shaders or whatever - then it really starts to slow down.

    But I'm really happy with the performance already. A typical 2d game without moBlur and heavy effects should still run nicely on most of the machines out there.

    I wonder...if a sprite has both opaque and transparent bit, like with png format, does it take more place?

  • > Do you really need all those objects?


    I assume the goal is to make a bullet-hell shmup, in which case particles wouldn't cut it. You would need sprites for collision.

    Yeah, not to mention particles arent really as controllable as sprites or objects XD

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Member since 21 Nov, 2009

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