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  • Snowboarding


    other sports (beach volley, football, bike)

    First two I try to do as much as possible. Hopefully I'll add ice hockey soon(saving money for a gear)

  • I could pick at least 2 movies of each list, except Mulkaccino's list so I don't have many to add, just 2

    • Black Hawk Down - sounds and action
    • Inception - music
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  • I'll be probably using just music, haven't found any suitable free sound effects. I've wanted to have music played and after a level finished, turn it down a bit while shopping and then up again, fade in/out. Looks like I'll have to use just pause/play or continuous play.

    Is it same problem for you? Have you tried it? I'd upload an example, but I'm not on my comp and I can't get to my dropbox account(forgot pass).

    + System: Start of layout -> XAudio2: Play music "guilty.mid"

    -> XAudio2: Set music volume to 100

    + MouseKeyboard: On any key pressed -> XAudio2: Set music volume to 80

    This is first time I'm using sounds, but when I replace the mid with mp3 it works.


    Here is the file

  • When I play midi files, volume doesn't work. I can only pause and play. It works for mp3's, why not for mid's? I hope, it's not a bug and I'm just doing something wrong, I've spent whole day looking for midi music for my game

  • You should fix the link, it doesn't work. Here it is, in the meantime

    I haven't tried it. I'm on mobile internet and don't wanna download files, it's slow and expansive, will try it later.

  • I have a gap on Chrome, but that could be because I'm using portable 10.0.648.204. I'll download the latest build and see.

  • Also, I would like an option for some custom families not to carry on over different .caps

    I was making a game and I needed a bunch of different families, so I created them.

    Then I went to another project, and all those families I would never use were there too, even though i'm never going to use them on that project

    True, I still can use family icons from a game I worked on 1/2 year ago.

  • How File Spy works? I created an event File added, but it looks it doesn't do anything. I'd need when a file is created in a folder, to rename that file. I tried to use File Object, but I don't know how to get a file's name when I don't know the file's name. Is there something like the * when searching in windows so I could replace unknown part with it?

    edit - I just found out there is - Watch directory action

    anyway, file object question is still actual, can I use something like "*.sav" and it would apply to all sav files in a folder

  • Man, what you doing? I haven't translated r34 and new release is out, good work.

  • There are some files left from the previous version, but it works. I thought, it'd made clean install and erased downloaded plugins.

  • I have a problem with install. It installs into the new folder Construct Classic. All cap files are associated with the version installed in the Construct folder and when I choose new version for opening, it looks liked nothing happend and it says that new version is available. Should I install it into the Construct folder? Will it overwrite the old version?

  • This was fast! Thanks

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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