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  • I can't understand why this game makes 22MB! lol!!

    Yeah, that's all music, without it, it has I think 3MB. I couldn't make midi to work, so I had to use mp3 format. In midi format all 7 songs had - 200 kB

  • <img src="">

    I just finished a game, which I was doing for a competition on a Czech fan site. It was easter themed competition and as you probably guess, I didn't finish it on time.

    After you finish the game, it will make a screenshot (thanks scidave for the plugin) so you can upload it here. Here's mine

    <img src="">


    - 22MB


    All music used in this game comes from Bjorn Lynne

  • >

    > > 56k

    > > re you really on 56k?



    yeah.... and it sucks...

    no broadband line available here, we're lucky we have electricity and a phone line...

    I know exactly how you feel. I use mobile modem at home and 2 days ago I crossed download limit (which is ridiculous 500MB/month) and now I'm on FUP (F... user policy) max 45kbit/s (in reality it's half). I usually click on a few links and do something else, while it's loading pages. It's O2's 2 months trial, so next month I'm going to return it with big thank you...NOOOT, for their ultra sonic fast speed mobile overpriced bargain internet.

  • I gave up, on trying to make midi play without problem:


    .mid files

    + Loads midi and pause/play them

    • volume doesn't work


    +load files and pause/play works

    + setting volume works

    • there is no way to get music volume level
    • that means, no way to find out when a song finished playing and queue next one

    Python (pygame)

    .mid files

    + volume works

    • pause doesn't work


    + load files and pause/play works

    + setting volume works

    + you can stop music channel (it doesn't work for XAudio2 - only pause or load new file)

    + checking the music channel if working - works

    • can't set start position (i.e. start playback from middle)
    • can't queue songs (but you can make your own)

    conclusion is basically, don't use midi's, use mp3 and Python for music. I wanted to use midi files, because of their size, now after conversion of all midi's to mp3's my exe file inflated to almost 25MB, compared to 2MB before

    Eventually, this whole day try/error procedure had some positive effect. It forced me to start and learn Python a bit.

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  • I like it. I remember times when I'd use these in C.x. Do you know, when David is going to finish the graphic editor? That's probably last thing, that's stopping me from using C2 more.

  • One of my favorites is Platform school.

    Pity, it probably won't be never finished, I liked it too. My list is:

    Talbot's Odyssey - haven't heard about it for some time...



  • I was trying to change that volume today, with resource plugin, tried to load it as sound, changed master channel (but on wiki is that this doesn't affect music), but nothing worked. I'd like to know if it'd be possible with python? Could someone from developers answer me, if it's sound card/ construct/plugin problem or anything else and if it's going to get fixed/not, so I could move on.

  • could somebody post a .cap file on how to do this in construct?

    Just a cap would be enough, no tutorial needed.

    Look at this

  • Not an easy answer for that. Generally, I'd go for coins, after 100 collected you get extra life, that might help you survive first wave. What level you are at?

    Best would be if you could upload the .cap.

  • Wow, that's really odd, on my pc, the midi file changes volume correctly yet mp3 files do not

    That's strange, but that means it could be better not to pause the music and just let it play continuously and lower the volume, and on some systems it'll work and on some it won't, I'll have to probably live with that.

    Do you know how to make a playlist?

  • I just started using this this morning for my current project...

    What you're working on, if I may ask. Is it that cubic guy platformer? And do you both do coding? I'd like to start some project with a friend, but we'll probably both do coding and I still don't know how to merge our work, if one should do menus and stuff and the other main thing? What's your advice?

    sorry for little ot

  • i like cooking too and poutine is my favorite dish

    <img src="">

    I like cooking too, grilling steaks most. That poutine, I've never had that, it must be unhealthy as hell, but probably tasty (as all unhealthy things ).

    How do you make it? I'd try it.

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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