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  • Could you add to 'Preview browser' setting option "browse", or something like that. I use Chrome portable and C2 can't find it. Would be good to have an option to browse and set the path to it.

    IE9 is really fast! I prefer Chrome, but preview of the latest platform demo still stutters on Chrome and on IE9 is smooth. Hope they'll fix it in Chrome soon, though.

    edit> I just noticed, there is a pixel gap under the player's sprite on IE9. On Chrome it's ok.

  • It runs ok for me, 8800gt. Maybe someone else with gtx could try the cap. There've been some problems among gtx users.

  • Can you describe how you fixed the problem? What was the cause?

  • Who's owl and who's the other bird (I don't know the name)?

    It's like 2am and I feel more fresh than during day. I usually make more work done in the evening and during night. Sometimes (rarely), I create something whole night and go to bed at 8am or (very rarely) work on something 2 days straight, and than fall off. My guess is, there are more owls on this forum.

  • Does the plugin cache all files (sounds/music) when I load them or are there some limits as with XAudio2 (no sounds bigger than i think 3mb and music is streamed)? I haven't noticed any significant slowdown yet, even when loading 30mb music files.

  • Where does this plugin load the sounds from? The same folder as the .exe? I have this on my events and it doesn't work...

    + System: Start of layout
    -> Audiere: Load Sound ("C418 - little things - 01 kaffee.mp3") as "song" (Play now: no, Volume: 100)
    + On button clicked
    -> Audiere: Play music "song"[/code:3r7qpqos]

    Yes, from the same folder as exe, but you have a mistake in your code. You're loading a sound and than you have an action where you're playing a music.

  • I like that's one package and I don't need to switch between programs. Only few more clicks, but for me that's a lot, probably just laziness

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  • ...and because C2 is portable, you'll be able to prototype your game even when not on your computer. I use PS for drawing, but I like CC has it's own editor so I can still work on my game when I'm not at home.

  • It's back again

  • to tulamide>what's up with your avatar? I kinda miss that little bastnerd

  • I don't think I could use this in a game. If a player wanted to use the fireball, they'd have to waste 2 bombs before. You gave me an idea where it could be used - cards game.

  • Thanks newt, it's emberassing, but I still don't know how to use in in a game. I understand the concept, but don't know where it'd be helpful. For what should I use it - score table? For what it'd be ideal? Usually, my head is full of ideas, but I can't think of one for this plug. Could someone give me a few?

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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