Say i have :
(Always - Add 1 to "Move")
The game is running at 1000fps, so that after a second "Move" would be 1000 right?
So i would need to "Timedelta" it.
(Always - Add 1*Timedelta to "Move")
So here, it is adding 1/1000 every 1/1000 of a second, so it would equal 1?
And now i want something to move based on this value
(Always - Set position of "Object" to "Object.X" + "Object value('Move')")
Do i need to add Timedelta into this line?
I have something similar to this in my current project, and depending on the frame rate it runs completely differently. I think the main issue i am having is understanding how and where to use Timedelta, not what it is.
"To represent the evolving cast time of a spell that lasts 2 seconds (2 seconds being 100%) you'd use TimeDelta * 50"
I only just realised that it is being multiplied by a % in this line, I get the concept, but i don't know how you would actually create this situation.