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  • it depends on how jumping works with your character

    can they turn around with 8 direction halfway through the jump?

    can they land on top of obstacles?

    if the answer to both is no

    there might be another way, but you could disable 8 direction behavior during the jumps, and just move your character the way they were already moving until they land

  • 1) Does anyone know how to set an object's angle to a certain degree only with help of "Set Angle" action but no behaviours?

    set angle does set the angle to a certain degree, you just type in the angle you want and it sets it there

    [quote:1h7czqov]2) Does anyone know how to make an object deccelerate rotation if no key is pressed (with help of "Rotate" behaviour)?

    use the mouse keyboard object

    click here

    I don't think there is a any key is down condition, or a way to fake one easily, but this works well enough for the specific keys that you want

  • if you can post a cap file it'd be easier to diagnose the problem

    i'm guessing you're making your own collision thingamajig

    but you should set up the collision statement to work something like this

    -on collision with box
    -pick by comparison - players('zdepth') = box('zdepth')[/code:3kazfhi3]
    that way it's checking per player per collision if the zdepth is equal
    you don't want to disable collisions for the box, you only want to ignore them if they aren't on the same zplane
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  • You guys want to form a little team to try and make this game? I think it's be great fun and an interesting experiment that could test the power of Construct.

    I can't be nonstop on it, but I could definitely do the programming for it, but if we do it, it should be awesome. do you have a sample of the art you have in mind, or if you haven't decided on a style, examples of possible styles?

    CAP - construct awareness project - we should make it simple, other than glitchiness and level design we're pretty far along actually. I mean, the basic gameplay was there almost from the beginning...i love construct. but it should be 1 to 3 levels for now, but soooo polished it looks like a commercial game, know what I mean? I'm working on a ridiculously huge project, but it'd be nice to finish something in the meantime on the side that has that perfect polish. and although I've seen awesome works in progress, and cool technical demo stuffs, and really great art, I haven't seen a start to finish type project of every length that can serve as a construct business card...this is simple enough to finish in a reasonable amount of time, and it can be fun and awesome looking. once it's condensed to a clean version of itself, it will be an impressive display of the simplicity of programming in construct. a game created on barely more than a screen, that's not just a template generic game? that's unheard of in even the most convenient and easy of game makers. Then we can post vids of it everywhere, and people will come flocking to construct like madmen.

    You'd always have a somewhat blurred canvas center covered with sharp newer objects.

    there's a simple fix for the blurry canvas thing, I think I may have posted in this thread, but I don't remember. it's simple though, so that problems solved

  • You guys want to form a little team to try and make this game? I think it's be great fun and an interesting experiment that could test the power of Construct.

  • I don't think it's a bug personally, though others may disagree. It pastes the object's current texture in, not taking into account other factors like angle. I think a separate option to paste it with options would be a better idea.

    yeah, that would be a better idea, I think both ways could have their uses

  • thanks alot david

    I can't wait for .99

  • I've resized physics objects before with no crashing

    it didn't work when I tried it just now though

    I guess it's pretty touchy

    anyway, for now though if you don't mind the collision mask thing

    you can have a non physics object follow it around

    here's an example with some random emission stuffs

    and growing particles with physics

    you can store the current color filter for each sprite in a private variable and you could do the color ramp as well

    btw, if it runs super slow on your system, cut down the fade out time on the sprites, it should make it run better

  • btw, in case anyone was wondering

    it isn't a significant amount of time to check lots of UIDs

    I just made construct check the unique ids of 100 sprites 500 times a tick

    which is a total of 50,000 UID checks per tick

    and it was still running at 400fps

    thanks again deadeye

    this made my day

    man oh man, wait till you guys get a load of what I'm working on

  • thanks deadeye.

    > sometimes you need to be able to choose an object out of a pool of many

    > without being able to pick it first


    I don't know what you mean by this. Is there any significant difference between "choose" and "pick" in this context?

    I meant just pick it without it having to trigger an event

    [quote:25orbjsp]Also, you don't need a For Each Object loop to pick by UID, you just compare the UID. For Sprite, there is a specific condition just for that under Misc. For other objects you can do a Pick By Comparison and use obj.UID as an expression.

    cool, I just realized the compare UID thing for sprites, before I came back to the forums. as for the other objects and pick by comparison, I guess something someone said at one point made me feel this would be inefficient in large doses, like it's cycling through each object, and if you had a few hundred things to pick from and you were picking more than one UID every tick, it would eventually start slowing things down. is this true? or is it cycling through every object to check a variable a negligible amount of cpu time that won't really add up? because if that's the case, it will simplify alot of other things on this project.

  • what about the other issue, with the rotation?

  • I think it's been mentioned by others as well as myself,

    but then I learned alot and thought it was no longer necessary

    and then I learned alot more and I realize

    it really would be ridiculously useful

    and allow alot of flexibility with functions and complex object interactions

    sometimes you need to be able to choose an object out of a pool of many

    without being able to pick it first

    or you want to be able to remember a list of certain objects for later picking

    without being able to repick some object that you're going to pair them to

    I don't mean anything complex, just an event

    pick object by UID

    then you put the UID

    and it will pick whatever object and only that object will be picked(unless there are other conditions in the event)

    I understand it's possible to do a for every object and then a UID is equal to temp

    but first, this would require a different event for every object type or family

    and if you want to use this feature alot, it will always be looping through every object over and over

    if it's possible with python, someone please explain where I can start looking and whether this feature is broken, or more generally, exactly how broken python is

    I can't remember what the reason this UID picking idea is usually rejected for, or if it's just usually a request not responded to. is it harder than it seems?

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