I think it's been mentioned by others as well as myself,
but then I learned alot and thought it was no longer necessary
and then I learned alot more and I realize
it really would be ridiculously useful
and allow alot of flexibility with functions and complex object interactions
sometimes you need to be able to choose an object out of a pool of many
without being able to pick it first
or you want to be able to remember a list of certain objects for later picking
without being able to repick some object that you're going to pair them to
I don't mean anything complex, just an event
pick object by UID
then you put the UID
and it will pick whatever object and only that object will be picked(unless there are other conditions in the event)
I understand it's possible to do a for every object and then a UID is equal to temp
but first, this would require a different event for every object type or family
and if you want to use this feature alot, it will always be looping through every object over and over
if it's possible with python, someone please explain where I can start looking and whether this feature is broken, or more generally, exactly how broken python is
I can't remember what the reason this UID picking idea is usually rejected for, or if it's just usually a request not responded to. is it harder than it seems?