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  • k

    there are two problems here first:

    <img src="">

    you're creating an array called "" inside the nonexistant array {"level"}

    instead of creating an array called "level" inside of {""}

    even though it doesn't crash at this point, there is no array called level, so anytime you try to access it, it will crash

    the second problem is:

    <img src="">

    you're trying to insert into an "object type" array

    the array "objs" you created was an object array

    this also causes a crash, because 's' is looking for an "object type" array called "objs" which doesn't exist

    I think this was a simple oversight, but if you need help with the differences between objects, and objecttypes, just post back, or check out the first post in this thread.

    I think now that you realize the mistake, you might not need any help with the tt thing, but post back if you do

    thanks for using S

  • I don't know

    if we're talking fx, phantom menace is pathetic compared to this

    this blows away anything before it

    when they're in the forest, at times, all flora(edit) is cgi, yet completely convincing in every way

    you're struck taking in the beauty of the scenery, rather than the realism of the special effects

    I didn't even fully realize how good the effects were, until after I left the theatre, because they were good enough to forget they were effects.

    in the preview you might be struck by some uncanny valley impressions

    but when you sit through the first 15 minutes of pandora, you completely forget this stuff isn't real, and you're marveling at new species, instead of new levels of cgi.

    jar jar binks looked hokey even when I first saw it.

    if you can't see this movie's at a new level graphically

    then your eyes might not be trained to look for such things

    even gollum had unrealistic aspects to him, and the scenes with the ents in LOTR had ugly green screen artifacts,

    the effects in this movie are just breathtaking

    I might catch a flaw, when I see it again at imax3d tommorow

  • lucid,

    thanks for screenshots. But the real girl is better than the neytiri.

    no problem

    and for me personally, I'd much rather have neytiri than the actress who played her

  • [quote:2ezf6x8w]

    This girl (girl..maybe Any more screenshots?

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    and if you didn't mean the neytiri(the girl) in particular here's a few more:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

  • > seriously, as good as the trailers make it seem

    > loved it!



    Yes, indeed. But the trailer sucked already. And so does the film I'm afraid. If you're easily excited by flashy visuals go see it. AVATAR really hasn't anything else to offer. It does have horribly designed blue aliens...

    yeah, cuz im simple-minded and easily excited.

    for anyone considering seeing the movie, it has a great story par for the course with james cameron.

    yes the special effects were probably the best of any movie made thus far, but the movie itself is great as well. go with what rebirth and i said. if you think the trailer looks awesome, go see it. if not, well make condescendng comments on this thread

  • got something kinda like runtime imagepoints now for s

    the next version

    just the forward and reverse math for setting or getting an 'imagepoint'

    thats how shipbuilder worked

  • CallFunction and GetData stuff to alter sprite meshes through other plugins

    it would be cool to be able to create spritespecific behaviors that can alter the mesh in crazy ways.

    alot of general sprite mesh alterations would be useful in more than one game

    effects like bending sprites around interpolated points, 3d rotation, meshes that stretch around other sprites, etc

    extremely convoluted with events, difficult to read, and require alot of eventing overhead

    these could be easily generalized, and cut down to a few inputs

    as of now, these meshing possibilities are only used by more advanced users, even though any user could understand something like (rotate mesh on z axis)

    I will eventually start making plugins that do things like this, and I believe others would as well.

    it would be beneficial if it was built into the official sprite plugin, and didn't require an additional 3rd party altered sprite plugin to be released

  • btw, for anyone who's curious

    I was wrong in my theory

    I have no idea what causes all these annoying problems

    go ahead and send me the files deadeye

  • seriously, as good as the trailers make it seem

    loved it!

    IMAX 3D, baby!

    <img src="">

  • python is totally broken now

    I just released a fix for the old python problem

    but now even a simple python command like

    sprite.angle = 0

    crashes the runtime

  • download the fix and example cap here:

    I haven't tested this with earlier versions of construct (before 99.5)

    if you've never used python before, before you begin, you'll need to install python on your pc:

    Use picking in python by following these 3 simple steps: (SOL stands for Selected Object List, btw)

    • first call py.GetSOL("object name here")[/code:b3er7w1s]
    • next open a while loop while py.SOL:[/code:b3er7w1s]
    • finally, within this while loop, when you want to refer to the picked set of objects call the object like this: objectname[py.SOLi][/code:b3er7w1s]of course replacing objectname with the actual name of the object

    that's it.

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  • there are plenty of point and click games in 3d, or games with 3d clicking, and its not hard, there are built in direct3d functions for it

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