lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • isn't it though?

    if you think this is about you, it probably is, (not just one person)

    stop it. if you have over a hundred posts, you a reflection on the tone of the entire community.

    the rest of us are not interested in being lumped in with the image you're projecting.

    these forums have maintained a reputation of being welcoming, and helpful.

    not meanspirited, cliquelike, and elitist.

    if you're in a bad mood, or a post makes you angry, or makes you feel superior to someone who doesn't understand construct yet. find another outlet.

    people who haven't been here using the software don't owe us some kind of awe-inspired respect. they're free to be skeptical and cynical and wrong about construct. and chances are you don't know enough about construct or software development in general to talk down to even a total noob.

    it's the very fact that construct contradicts everything we've come to assume about software development that makes it so noteworthy. people don't need to be attacked for their incorrect assumptions. it should be the expected initial reaction. you should be helping usher them into understanding the differences, helping adapt their way of thinking toward the event/picking driven construct way, pointing them in the right direction for help, or providing encouragement. if that doesn't sound like something worth your time or effort, than perhaps you should save the reply button for when you have something more constructive to add.

  • a button to add # to the beginning of each selected line in the python editor

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  • let's say I want to have a MouseKeyboard.OnClick event within python

    it that possible?

    I know all the python commands are in place for conditions

    but I don't know/understand if/how they can be used.

    EDIT:solution down there somewhere

  • this'll probably be skewed somewhat

    take me for instance. I've haven't used python yet, because up till now, the response to almost anything python related has been:

    "python is broken right now, don't use it"

    until the recent fix

    python was kinda missing the main thing that makes construct easy and neato: picking

    so, answer: pre-pyfix-plugin - never

    post-pyfix-plugin - all the time

    now when I am prototyping something very complex, I can do it with 's' and python, and then reuse and combine the code from several prototypes later in a full game.

  • beautiful

    thanks again ash 'n' pals

    when I get my tax returns I'll donate some to scirra

  • I think it was more the several doubts scirra title that was irking

  • and i believe my cap was 99.7 as well

    you8 dont need the line plugin

    i think its just making it more confusing for you

    the cap i made is simple

    draw an arrow sprite facing toward the right

    with the hotspot on the left


    ---sprite-set angle towards position-mousex,mousey

    ---sprite-set width to distance(.x,.y,mousex,mousey)

  • is this what you mean?:

  • I think end users will have to install python

    I could be wrong

    also, btw, I editted this post at the top

    I know it's nicer to have it fixed natively in construct

    but this plugin addresses all the python problems I'm aware of

    I was wrong about system actions

    so you should have fully functional python now

  • wouldn't it be the same thing if you created the particle, and set the simulation speed in the same event?

  • scidave, your answer is in the previous post

    for anyone who read my longwinded explanation of how to find the python commands for a plugin.

    I just rerealized. you can just type 'objectname.' in the python script editor to get a list of every command and parameter

    much simpler

  • so you installed 2.6.4:

    I just reinstalled this latest version of 2.6, and it works

    the python file you need is in the python directory, so it's probably a problem with your python installation

    if it still doesn't work, try reinstalling construct

    also, did pybroke.cap work?

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