lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • IMAX is the oldest and lowest quality 3d

    real-d is better

    dolby 3d is the best

  • I consider it clutter, too

    also, if you have several comments/suggestions, or related help questions, it's probably a good idea to put them in one larger thread. Even if you don't mind being the guy who has 5 posts pushing everyone's posts further from the forefront. You'll find you'll get more response.

    as for why the menu object is such a low priority

    it's because construct is a game creator, that has some application creation abilities

    completing the game related aspects of it is naturally the higher priority

    all posts could be eliminated if the developers had their act together and just documented their work correctly in the first place.

    while it's probably a good best practice to document features as you create them.

    this is a free program created by developers in their free time.

    as someone who's created some poorly documented plugins myself. I realize that in practice, you finish what you can, when you can. It would make no sense for developers to spend large amounts of time documenting something, when some of the documentation will have to be changed in future versions. I'd rather they race toward 1.0, and let the more than capable community add to the wiki. There hasn't been an overwhelming flood of wiki contributors.

    But perhaps one of the newer members of the community will see a need there, and fill it. There's also sdk documentation on the wiki, so you can create and document a complete and functional menu plugin if you so wished.

  • "Avatar" was Mr. Cameron's first film since 1997's "Titanic," the biggest modern blockbuster, bringing in $1.8 billion world-wide. He is the only filmmaker to direct two movies that have topped $1 billion. Along with "Titanic," the other movies to hit that mark are "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" at $1.13 billion, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" at $1.06 billion and "The Dark Knight" at a fraction over $1 billion, according to box-office tracker"

  • the only way would be to

    write those event as python scripts

  • dont use bone movement, just use physics, and connect the bones to eachother using physics hinges. also, put all the bone sprites in a family, and for each one disable physics collisions with that family

  • indeed it does sound awesome.

    are the additions and changes clear enough

    that id be able to update future versions of the physics plugin with your code if the devs decide not to include this?

  • to use python with picking:

    it doesn't take much effort to learn python, either, especially if you know c++, or one of the major nonscripting languages.

    A few days ago I only knew enough python to be able to test the pyfix plugin., now I'm using almost exclusively python triggered by conditions, and I've grown completely comfortable with python. almost anything you need to know is thoroughly explained by the first google search result on it.

    being able to write real functions, to consolidate complicated series of actions, or create expressions, which can then be used in other expressions, enables you to exponentially increase complexity and readability.

    Also, being able to simply copy and paste my code to new caps in invaluable.

    for the more advanced users, especially, python is definitely worth learning

    combined with 's', I was able to rewrite by keyframe based editor I had originally been developing a plugin specifically for. I've gotten further along in less time. And this new version is much more robust and powerful. It's like the speed of event based creation, with the power of c++ plugin development

  • i posted it to the tracker already

    and informed david in chat

    I posted it here just so other people could say stuff like

    "it works fine for me"

    or "it's not just On Startup" it's also...etc. etc..etc..

  • it starts to get messy really quick with python scripts and actions mixed on the same event

    it would be helpful to have the little plus sign to collapse/expand individual scripts

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  • So lucid, that pm you just sent me... does that mean you do or you don't want me to repost it here in the thread? I am confuse.


    no, you don't need to repost it, there were some older pms with broken links


    > i have an annoying small amount of free time ... I need to make tutorials again for it ... remove some half-implemented features, or complete their implementation ... very idiosyncratic, and confusing ... written when I was just beginning to really understand c++, so the code is a mess ... issues will change ... please help me fix it, and bring it into the 1.0. ... thanks everyone for ... reporting those bugs ...I think there's only one or two bugs before it's fully stable


    And we have a synopsis of the Construct project.

    Holy lol

    and yes


  • Cool. So basically instead of splitting an image by a grid (eg. 32x32 pixels) it splits the image by 'gaps'. So when you write 'ABCDEF' etc... each letter has a gap between it and so it crops and makes an image out of it? Would it be useful if I added that functionality into the import image dialog. A 'split by gap' button?

    that would be cool

    especially if you could specify the background color

    cuz most of the sprite font sheets you find out there are split up by a color, like pink, or black, while a few of them are split by 0 alpha

    also if the regular split by grid (eg. 32x32 pixels) function was visual

    so you could dial up the numbers and see a visual grid of how they were being split

    and increase and decrease the grid size until it lined up

    as of now

    you have to keep reimporting the sprites over and over if you're not sure what the grid size is

    also, if you could make the "split by gaps" handle xy stuff like this:

    <img src="">

    you would be radical

  • actually arima

    I didn't catch what you had said about the cropping shortcut

    so that pretty much covers what we need

    does it do fonts on a grid with x and y or just in a line?

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