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  • yeah

    I can probably add wraparound if you'd like

    but that was the one I used before with the unwritten license from the land of mystery

    this one has more options though, and takes advantage of multicore cpu's

    and has a license that clearly allow commercial use

    but thanks

  • Well, as of reading your first question it'll interpolate

    That makes more sense, though I may put both options, since if it was in the center od 4 squares

    That would be a lot of interpolation if you wanted to have a lot of it going on

    On a side note, I was having a look at how the wall reflections are done. I will probably be able to allow you to add obstacles, but only aligned to grid cell sizes, probably no diagonals either

    Ill look into getting past both those limitations, but it seems doubtful

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  • Unless I'm misunderstanding, the way to do that would just be to set sprite speed to



  • Instead try

    Always. Set block to not highlighted

    If mouse over - highlight

  • ...

    New objects that handle popular video game features...

    -Custom music track object... This would allow gamers to add their own custom music into the game themselves by selecting it in a game menu and then searching his/her hard drive, and saving the music into the gamesave file. It should be event-based meaning that the programmer can leave it open to the gamer to set the music for any number of -in-game events that the programmer has left open. For example, music that plays for each level, when a player dies, when a player clears a level, finds an item, etc, etc... whatever the programmer leaves open, the gamer can add custom music for it.


    User Button mapping- This would let the gamer easily reconfigure the button commands the programmer has set.

    You can do the first one thru events, if I remember (I usually don't) ill post an example later. Pm me if its really important to remind me

    And if you're using 9962 like you said, there's a custom controls pl,ugin that let's you do the second one, though changes to the latest version make it so it doesn't work with 9992

    Though I may make a new version sometime this year that works in the latest version,, maybe also with directinput controls as well

  • Action - set text to


  • much better then

    I will proceed as planned

    thanks everyone

    also, just a teaser for those who will use google and youtube to decipher what I'm saying lest I just say it and generate too much excitement for something I'm not sure will work or not

    what we've been doing here is fluid dynamics

    I've found another free for commercial use source code for smoothed particle hydrodynamics, which is what I was really looking for in the first place

    I won't say any more on that until I have a working demo, other than that I'm disgustingly excited about it

  • If yours doesn't work, maybe my not as nice as rojos way will

  • thanks tulamide, anyone who gets a lower fps with this please manually tell me the real steady fps

    I think the hardware profiler is slowing it down for one tick, I'll fix that later, but for now:

    [quote:2v7xgcmu]anyone who wants to help please run this


    this is a 50x50 grid of fluid, and 2500 moving sprites taking advantage of multicore processors

    you won't see anything on the screen happening but just move the rocket around randomly

    it's adding ink nonstop invisibly, and all the testing is going on in the background

    I'll try to make another larger gridsize benchmark in a little while, but this should start to give use a general idea of how it could run

    after you've given a second for some ink to get out, please left click, and then paste into a reply to give me your benchmark data

    please paste, and don't just give your fps, because it will help me verify it's recognizing all cores

    if you want to add your gfx card info that'll be useful mainly only if it's not running over 100 fps

    thanks anyone who helps,

    here's my info:




    Advanced Micro Devices


  • some folks in chat gave it a quick overview, and think it should be fine, but anyone who is confident about their ability to interpret licenses, please give it a look over for me, as I cannot afford a lawyer at the moment:

    please if you're not sure you know what you're talking about don't answer. not trying to be rude, but it's used in the fluid plugin, and I hadn't realized at first that although the fluid plugin source code explicitly states its free for commercial use, this doesn't.

    I need to know if I can use this to make a plugin for construct that will potentially be used to create commercial games, and if distributing the TBB dlls along with the plugin, and along with games created with the plugins if that would also be allowed.

  • anyone who wants to help please run this


    this is a 50x50 grid of fluid, and 2500 moving sprites taking advantage of multicore processors

    you won't see anything on the screen happening but just move the rocket around randomly

    it's adding ink nonstop invisibly, and all the testing is going on in the background

    I'll try to make another larger gridsize benchmark in a little while, but this should start to give use a general idea of how it could run

    after you've given a second for some ink to get out, please left click, and then paste into a reply to give me your benchmark data

    please paste, and don't just give your fps, because it will help me verify it's recognizing all cores

    if you want to add your gfx card info that'll be useful mainly only if it's not running over 100 fps

    thanks anyone who helps,

    here's my info:




    Advanced Micro Devices


  • not quite as simple as you were hoping I'm afraid, but it was the first semi simple solution I found


    nm, rojo's method is much better

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