Construct 2 - most wanted

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From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • * A new and powerful bone editor.

    * Subfolders (for objects, layouts, etc)

    * A better object bar (it's difficult to manage too many objects)

    * Ability to open a detailed window to set up each behavior, effect, attribute. In other words an extended properties bar.

    * A fully translatable Construct

    * Construct 2 should not let us to make 3d games (don't hit me)

    * A way to change controls during game (variables for keys and buttons)

    * Something clearer in the event editor to manage all those "pick", "don't pick" things

    * Collision groups (an object could be in more than one group, to collide, two objects would need to be in the same group)

    * Groups of layers (in order to allow us to apply effects on more than one layer)

  • i can't think of much right now, but i saw this in your Russian interview.

    [quote:pd5kfnp6]We have some interesting ideas how to make Construct two commercial - but it certainly will be some sort of free version.

    i request that please if you plan to make Construct 2 commercial, then don't make the free version crippled like the lame GameMaker free version.

  • I'm still using .62 so if this has already been added, please forgive me:

    -Ability to lasso any number of events... then copy and paste them into other layouts.

    -This one is nuts... ability to export and then send and receive single layouts between developers, so that you can easily create development teams where everyone can work on one part of the game without having to wait for someone to finish and pass the file around. Then the team leader can receive all layouts and then be able to place those layouts into the main project file.

    -Here is another crazy one... how about a feature that lets you tilt things in a 3D-type space like Google Sketchup. It would need to of course maintain a higher picture quality, but think of the possibilities of being able to program events that made the tilt change position and direction based on how the character moves.

    New objects that handle popular video game features...

    -Custom music track object... This would allow gamers to add their own custom music into the game themselves by selecting it in a game menu and then searching his/her hard drive, and saving the music into the gamesave file. It should be event-based meaning that the programmer can leave it open to the gamer to set the music for any number of -in-game events that the programmer has left open. For example, music that plays for each level, when a player dies, when a player clears a level, finds an item, etc, etc... whatever the programmer leaves open, the gamer can add custom music for it.

    *More robust loading capabilities that will not only load objects, sounds, and sprites in other layouts (i.e. you're in layout 1 and it starts loading everything in layout 2), but also gives you visual feedback that it's loading and let's you know when it's fully loaded (with the feedback being able to be turned on or off optionally by the programmer).

    *Layout Replay feature- this would be great for sports games. The featute would allow you to set it to where it will replay what just happened in the layout automatically (auto-replay) or by the user pressing a button to call up hiw own replay (user replay), all of which would adhering to the angle, position, speed, camera on sprite, with or without audo from that layout... and the programmer can set the beginning and ending points (i.e., I could set it to where the replay plays only from the point where the ball was kicked, and stops when the ball hits the net or goes out of bounds, etc).

    User Button mapping- This would let the gamer easily reconfigure the button commands the programmer has set.

  • -Ability to paste sprites and text to other sprites with either a snap-on function in the layout editor (see Wix.Com's website editor, it has this function and it's great), or inside the picture editor... and still be able to separate the images whenever we want.

  • -Ability to tilt and/rotate text boxes with your mouse inside the layout editor, the same way we can with graphic assets.

  • Do away with the object bar and allow to drag object out object folder.

  • Lots of great stuff.

    I won't quote all of MrMiller's, but I love it and there are two in particular that would put Construct in a higher echelon. Export for XNA, and the ability to export and pass around individual layouts.

  • ...

    New objects that handle popular video game features...

    -Custom music track object... This would allow gamers to add their own custom music into the game themselves by selecting it in a game menu and then searching his/her hard drive, and saving the music into the gamesave file. It should be event-based meaning that the programmer can leave it open to the gamer to set the music for any number of -in-game events that the programmer has left open. For example, music that plays for each level, when a player dies, when a player clears a level, finds an item, etc, etc... whatever the programmer leaves open, the gamer can add custom music for it.


    User Button mapping- This would let the gamer easily reconfigure the button commands the programmer has set.

    You can do the first one thru events, if I remember (I usually don't) ill post an example later. Pm me if its really important to remind me

    And if you're using 9962 like you said, there's a custom controls pl,ugin that let's you do the second one, though changes to the latest version make it so it doesn't work with 9992

    Though I may make a new version sometime this year that works in the latest version,, maybe also with directinput controls as well

  • Daydream mode on.

    Advanced Physics!

    So the ususal stuff : softbody physics, some sort of 2d "digital molecular matter", splitting, and all that fancy destruction stuff we all like to watch.

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  • -Abilty to lasso and change the individual frame speed of a group of frames in the animation editor --- if you use a lot of frames per animation group, then you know that having to click on each one and set it individually can be nerve-racking.

  • Some of this may have been mentioned already.

    -Improved stability. The program always feels a little fragile. The interface should be more responsive so it feels less so. An example is that the interface feels laggy when moving things around. Maybe it would help to use native Windows interface pieces? Another example: the event editor. Sometimes clicks don't register, or register as if you clicked somewhere else, and in general it just doesn't feel professional and almost makes you nervous that a wrong click is going to crash the program.

    -Multiplatform support. Primarily I'd want support for Linux and Mac, but other platforms would be extremely nice (maybe the runtime should be easily portable so that more platforms could be developed?) I guess this would be mean the addition of other renderers like OpenGL.

    -Maybe with the addition of other renderers as mentioned above C2 could do away with the need for that specific DirectX update? I find it really confuses casual users when they try to play things I make. (For instance, they insist that since they bought their computer after August 2008, it should already be updated)

    -A better control system. Integrate the Xbox controller plugin to the main control system, add support for other joysticks and gamepads, and build in customization ala CustomControls.

    -When a game displays fullscreen, there should be options to accommodate for widescreen monitors and the like. For instance, if a game is 4:3, the fullscreen resolution should be able to go to 16:9 so it doesn't appear stretched. Another example would be a game with a weird resolution-- if the monitor can't show that resolution, it should set it to one it can display and center the game in it. (For instance my game displays at 430x240, which is not a standard resolution-- I'd be fine if it could be centered in a 640x480 display or something) I know some people may say to do this with events, but there are many caveats involved in such a process that it's not worth it (for instance, it makes scrolling layers nearly impossible to do)

    -The animation editor needs stabilized. It suffers from the same sort of issues as the main Construct UI regarding responsiveness. Also, there's the little filmstrip at the bottom, and you should be able to click back and forth through the frames using it instead of having to close out of the editor per frame. (I have a feeling it's supposed to do that right now, but it doesn't)

    -Consolidation of all the audio options. You should be able to use whatever formats you want for music or audio. Additionally, the MOD plugin needs redone with a different, more accurate playback engine, which could then be added to the main audio plugin as well.

    -Better support for application icons... I've noticed that you don't really get many options and sometimes it doesn't even save properly. Something more like MMF2 would be good, where you can make an icon for all the different sizes and color options.

    -The debugger needs serious revamping. It is extremely unusable. At the very least, you should be able to sort the objects A-Z, because when you have a larger game with tons of objects it becomes a real pain in the *** to scroll up and down the list trying to find the object you want to debug.

    Maybe more things if I think about them.

  • I think it is better to add this on the new construct :

    -Bones support

    -Exportation on many platform (Mac,linux,window,Xbox360,Window phone, Iphone,NDS and flash)

    -Shadow and light support

    -Bump map support (2D)

    -History support (just like photoshop to go back from the mistake)

    -Editing the game in real time

    -Video Suppport

    -2D Parallax Occlusion Mapping (Parallax Occlusion Mapping gives the illusion of a 2d/Flat surface appearing 3d)

    -2D heightmap

    -2D Occlusion Culling


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    shockwave effect

    -POssibly scripting in Javascript/Lua/python/Action script/basic

    -Video playback

    -Camera movements

    -Multiplane camera if Construct 2 have some 3D feature

    -Tweening of all layer

    -Conversion graphic or file

    -Normal Map

    -Reflection mapping

    -Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

    -Built-in Lightmapping and Global illumination

    -Scalable multiprocessor support

    -Full unicode support

    -Simple and easy to use OOP classes

    -Full custom shader support for special effects

    -Point sprite, billboard, and minimesh particles can be mixed in one particle system

    -Antialiasing and anisotropic filtering up to 16x supported

    -Multiple adapter support, with full enumeration of devices and supported rendering modes

    -Package that contain script ready for any kind of game (platform,rpg..etc), it mean to be handy and gain some time on dev.

    -Better Protection (128+bit encryption)

    -Sound system (Digital Dolby, EAX)?

    will Construct 2 still be Open-source or Freeware?

  • there is already heightmap and bumpmap support

  • I think with multi-platform support and stability would be enough.

    And an option for tile based background editor like 'Tiled' or RPG Maker

  • -An update to the video functionality - option to have or not have the timeline bar visible in videos. Plus, support for all the major/popular video formats.

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