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  • Ok wait, I take that back, it should be possible to make it much faster

    I didn't think about it, but it was still doing crazy amounts of events to spawn those sprites, so upon davio's doubtiness, I tried running the simulation without sprites

    And it ran much more quickly, then I tried it again with 5000 sprites, but no events to do anything to them, but bullet behavior to ensure they were still moving on screen,

    Even on my craptop is was still going at 89 fps, so

    Ill have to think about how tbhis can work, but it may be possible to run this very quickly

    Unfortunately, it'll involve some sacrifice, it'll require more gpu power creating a sprite for ewery spot on the grid, but much less overhead on the construct event system.

    But it could have the flexibility to do something like the particle method, or the retro method. I'm guessing no one needs the ugly mesh method

    I need to think about this maybe even learn how canvas plug works and take some of that code

    Either way. I have to think about this, if anyone has any ideas let me know

  • 1.8 ghz dual core, 2GB ram, HD 4670 512MB. Not top of the line, but I wouldn't call it out of date. . And just the fact that one of the demos lags on your pc speaks worlds about the plugin's performance. I've run fluid sims before and they mostly all ran better than this.(no offense lucid!) The low performance must be because of the construct implementation or just the general unfinished/unoptimized state of lucid's awesome plugin. I hope that future versions will run at more acceptable speeds.

    This is the kind of performance we need lucid. ... index.html

    The slowdown in the particle deal was cuz of the implementation in construct

    It was just spawning particle objects each tick

    Aside from that while multicore isn't enabled for these, it probably won't be superfast like the impressive nvidia smokebox demo, running on hundreds of stream processors instead of 2 to 4 cores( copuldnt view link on phone)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Actually some might be tempted just to be hit by that.

    Conga rats!

    I saw her first!

    Congratz arima, and while you're green and all, my PMs always say 0 even when I have one

    And can we get a few more results per page if there's gonna be a 40 minute wait to switch pages on a a search

  • Hey guyon I pm'd you back. Mine never tells me when I have pm's though, so that's why I'm saying so here

    Ps: mipey, you never told me your name was mipey

    I would've got a head start hitting on you a long time ago

    But, just out of curiosity, what does qualify as an unual name where you're from?

  • Most of the built in behaviors such as platform movement are surprisingly flexible, and I believe most area lready pixel perfect, and they all definitely use time delta

    If none of them suit your needs however, you can use custom movement, which allows you to create your own pixel perfect timedelta aligned movement. And to be clear, yes, including for super high speed movement

  • Yeah what they said, adjust frequency ratio to lerp(lowestfrequency,highestfrequency,currentspeed/maxspeed)

    You'll have to mess with the frequency ratios to determine what sounds best for high and low

  • I vote for some imaginary chic of some sort, anime or 3d rendered, preferably rendered, and if there's vrrm, that should be either imaginary or tricked out to a insanely ridiculous level




  • I love c++, and I'm partially biased because over the last 10 yrs ago before I learned it. It was always the answer when I considered learning a language and asked or looked up "what's the main language people use to make games nowadays?"

    That may be changing, I haven't checked up lately, but also, id have to say, a really great way to learn is making plugins for construct, don't do what I did, and start trying to make a super important plugin like spritefont before you're fairly comfortable, but its very rewarding and motivating to apply what you learn in a c++ book with boring examples, and use it to move sprites around, and give yourself math expressions for your own game.

    If you're serious about making a largescale game in construct its more about complexity and how much goes on per tick, if you have so much complex stuff going on that ot hurts your head to look at, and you're doing similar things over and over in different places, then its worth making a plugin if the function object won't work for readability or because its something that needs to happen for too many different objects.

    Also, if you start doing loops with actions that going into the 10s of thousands,constructs runtimeinterpretter wil be a bottleneck where a plugin would be able to do do the work of thousands of event calls with a single action.

    As far as python sdk, you don't really need one. I meant to post an example at some point but you can make python functions and classes that you could copy paste as text on the forums that you could plugin different construct objects into like a behavior in a way. Besides, anyone who could make a plugin in python could do so in c++. They're so similar its nuts

  • Not sure when I was completed. But its by Google, complete and on v2.2. In fact,I'm posting this message from my android phone

  • right, but the creation tool itself runs in a browser

    the apps and games you make run on android

    Android is the OS that's in the gradual process of dethroning IPhone as The smartphone

  • I don't think it works anymore with the new version

  • you have to sign up to get to beta it, but:

    <img src="">

    pretty badass if you ask me:

    here's the homepage:(take a look at the tutorials. it's nuts):

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