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  • Hey ash, what you said about the feasibility of alternate runtimes in this thread.

    Does that mean the extensibility and flexibility to port to multiple runtimes you originally thought is not possible afterall, or do you just mean the differing featuresets of different platforms will make impossible for perfect alternate runtimes?

    Its probably a bit premature to speculate on everything, but I had assumed that once a sprite plugin was made for whichever platform, the behaviors would transfer fairly universally for new runtimes, and little else. Do you still think its possible for user created runtimes for platforms as diverse as android, ps3, etc?

  • no prob, there was a mistake with my last cap though,

    shadows should grow longer the closer the sun is to the horizon,

    skew should also grow less pronounced the further above it is:

  • I'm afraid that this affects your above plugin's function as well, Lucid, though I really like the idea.

    if he only needs store the objects python index temporarily this should work fine, which I assumed was the case given his bob example

    however, if he needs to store many instances long term, you can already manipulate large arrays of objects using python with s

    also, btw arsonide, if you just want to create the object and assign it all the various dimension, position, information etc, I could just add that to the create function, so you don't have to worry about storing instance data at all

  • Lastly, what exactly do you mean by "Event-written behaviors/plugins/modules"?


    I believe he means,

    Being able to make your own behaviors/plugins through events

    it would be kinda like the function object, except instead of awkward function calls, after setting up all the events, you would click through your own custom object or behavior without having to make a plugin, you would call expressions conditions and actions just like the regular built in objects, and by modules I think he means

    so if someone like quazi could make a 3d engine out of these special events, he could share it on the msgboard as a module, a plugin basically but made out of events in constructs

    then you could use this in your cap, and instead of seeing the crazy mess of events and such

    you would just see regular actions,conditions, etc, that come up in the same dialogue boxes as usual

    and behind the scenes it would be doing all the events he had set up

    this was one of my votes, btw, along with better instance picking and custom data types

  • nice

    to make it more versatile though, you might want to change it so instead of rotating the shadow when you press the button, it rotates the shadow to "always" be at some angle relative to the sun

    here's an alternate version with skewing instead of angling: (drag and drop sun)

  • I was annoyed that the pyfix plugin didn't work for this, so I made you another one:

    (plug and example cap included)

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  • I don't think u need the object()

    Also, I believe the py plugin which allows you to use picking data in python might solve this problem for you,

  • are you using play song or play sound to play songs?

  • I think the reason you're being met with such resistance, is because it's a tradition here at scirra that dates back to the...

    ok, no, but seriously, this is about the 2,000th "please help me make my game" post. There's nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but over time there has developed an unofficial, but fairly consistent, and generally agreed upon set of standards by which the people who've been here believe a potential collaboration should be evaluated. Reading through the posts, I can see how it probably seems everyone's jumping down your throat. Basically though, I think what everyone's trying to say is that anyone skilled enough to help you, can get to the point you've gotten by themselves in a fairly short amount of time, but with a game completely tailored to their tastes in every way, with their own terms as far as how much money they might want to make, and a level of absolute control over the project.

    So what you're offering is to take away full control, take away the possibility of financial gain, to help you create Your vision. It will probably be a tough sell, but nothing to feel like an evil overlord about. And don't hesitate to ask in Help/Tech Support, some of the dead ends that made you turn to asking someone else to do it for you might not be as bad as they seem. Asking in the forums for advice on how to make an inventory/combining system would probably yield better results than chat, there are plenty of people here on the level to help you, and although I consider myself fairly skilled with construct, sometimes the simplicity of other peoples' solutions surprises me. So basically, as hard as it seems to get up to speed in Construct, it'll probably be easier than finding a lead coder or tutor. If you showed a storyline written by orson scott card, and artwork by hr giger, I'd probably hop on, but in the meantime it's your baby, and most people are already busy with their own.

    good luck though

  • Shadf, that's looks cool

    Makes me curious about gameplay

    Any chance you can upload a video?

  • Well, there obviously isn't one answer, and since I do most of my posting in short burtsts of time, ill post any little insight I can think of


    I'm not sure its even the best word, but everything needs to fit together perfectly. Play street fighter 2 or 3 for example, when you press the button to punch, the speed of the animation, the size of the hitbox, and one people overlook, slight delays between the sound effect and the reaction animation, these are things that make the game feel so solid. A slightly longer or shorter between hit and reaction animation or sound effect creates a completely different feel. I think putting the love into these details separates the ok games from the great games. That was an example on a small scale.

    Take littlebigplanet, a masterpiece in my opinion. The art style, the sound effects, the music choice, even the choice of the voice for the narrator, it all speaks the same language.

    And btw, my personal take on graphics is that people understate their importance routinely. Because it seems superficial, like saying you like a girl for her looks rather than her personality.

    But I think graphics do matter, a lot. A game can't be great with only good graphics, but I would say most great games do have great graphics. Even indie games that don't have impressive graphics, any of the ones I've thought were great always had some type of charm or cool lookingness. Even something like plants vs zombies, world of goo, braid, or torchlight. They look good. Not like gears of war, but good in their own way, and back to cohesiveness, notice they all look and sound uniform, no unfitting fonts, no mismatched color schemes. I think the difference between successful and unsuccessful indie games a lot of times is that last bit of polish that brings it all together

  • Yeah, sorry bricktop, didn't think of that, it just uses s plugin for a simple math technique

    Ill be releasing a new version soon that runs much more quickly because it draws the smoke to the screen itself instead of creating sprite objects

    It allows about 3 times the smoke detail density on my pc with no loss in speed

    Much more impressive and detailed, especially fire

    When I release the new version, the included example cap won't require s.

    That was an oversight on my part

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