zenox98 Yeah. because you can set all your animation and all your frames in external software...
I'm not taking about things like drawing cirlces, write text or any of typical tools for editing/creating graphic assets.
I'm talking about animation and frames management.
Some time ago I was making some sprites for sale - simple isometric soldier, with 16 directions and about 18 separate animations = about 1000 images altogether (before you say I'm not interested in mobiles or web). Even Making it all to spritesheets (57 spritesheets) it took more time adding and setting this up in C2 then creating and animating this sprite.
"and there's only one person working with it."
ohh, I'm sorry didn't know that ~cruel sarcasm ~
"but he is only one man, after all, and there are SOOOOOOO many other more important things he should concentrate on"
Agree. But seriously, things should be fixed first - and there's a lot to fix and finish, before adding new ones.