1) About halfway through the tutorial, when setting the camera flags, you mention "Backcam" and "Frontcam" as a value of Camera - but the private variables for Camera has ForwardCamPoint. You switch Front and Forward cam once again as the tutorial continues. Are they seperate elements? I might have missed something.
They are the same thing I think I just messed up my wording half way through the tut sorry. Fowardcam and back cam are the same as FowardCamPoint and BackCamPoint.
2) Which i might have been able to figure out what you meant, but i couldn't get your .cap to run.
I get the error messege reading: " (Error with loading: expecting class (CLayout), but recieved () )"
This was made in an older version of construct so Im not sure If that could be the reason that it is having problems now but this would be something that Ashley and the other devs could probably explain better.
3) Random Question: Is there a reason why "Camera" is in red? Isn't it just an empty sprite that's width 1, just like Forward Camera and Back Camera?
Nope no reason they should all just be invisible on start of layout.