I went to the wine engine website and saw the IK engine you were using for your engine. How are you managing to keep the feet from... uhh... how do you make them follow terrain?
well, thats not really as math related as it is programming logic. its actually not that complicated, and dont worry its no secret, platform movements use the same kinda tech to keep a character from falling through the ground
all it does is simply check for intersection, and if there is one, using a loop, moves the "end" up 1 pixel, then checks again, repeats until there is no intersection. and when there isnt an intersection, it moves the end down, checks and repeats, until its at the "surface". its a simple loop based system, but remember loops can be cpu heavy if you make them too long or use too many, or if they do complex things.
now detecting surface points is easy, but making the walk algorithm over these surfaces is a diff story, and im soon going to go back to the whine engine and get that working properly, the canvas bugs are finally fixed so work can recommence work on the project! procedural walking animation, will surely be awesome when its up and running.