Looks like an awesome plugin rojo.
You seem to have covered pretty much all bases with this one.
My only "concern" (for lack of a better word) would be some things brough up on the first page of posts regarding path transitioning.
I was thinking of doing a bit of a PC remake of the PS3 game, PixelJunk Racers which involves slot cars that can change lanes.
Obviously each lane would need a path, but the object would need to be able to jump from path to path easily without relying on nodes as a point of changeover. I haven't actually tried the plugin yet, but was more or less wondering if something like this would be possible without spending a lot of time only to discover it's not.
I already have an idea how I may be able to "trick" it into working, however I can already forsee issues with my proposed "trick/hack". Having say 5 paths, with 1 car on each path that follow each other exactly around the circuit... then when a lane change occurs simply delete the car from path X and move to path Y, and throw in a "ghost" car for the lane change animation as such.
Anyway... am I barking up the wrong tree? I frequently do.