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  • I think if you somehow tested to see if the socket is open on startup before opening it, that problem could be worked around.

    Basically if it's not open it opens it, if it's open it does nothing.

    I'm not sure about doing this in Python but there should be some way to ping a port on your local machine via localhost, and then just a simple if/then/else operation could solve that.

    Also, I'm not sure about the Python library that Construct 0.91 ships with, but I think it may lack the sockets library. So that would have to be included with the game (I think) for sockets to work. Not 100% sure on this, and the fact that I just spent five hours working on a native 1280x800 monitor, in 640x480 safe mode, really hasn't helped my mental condition.

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  • Dammit!

    Another thing to put on my agenda!

    In the same week, I've started toning up again (schedule of 10 pushups, 20 situps daily plus walking to and from school, and on certain days swimming for 20 minutes)

    Started learning PHP

    Went back to school

    And now Python!

    What do I drop? (I think school )

  • Ah, I thought this may have been a global bug.

    I'm going to reinstall construct, then if I still have the bug I'll send that .cap through. But first, sleep - I have to start school again tomorrow

  • Yep, you heard right.

    Here's a simple little demonstration:

    With family


    Without family


    Is this deliberate, and if so, what am I missing here?

    And does this happen to others?

  • You need events on the bullet movement to turn it away when it hits a wall. The movement itself doesn't automatically avoid overlapping solids.

    I'm using the RTS movement for mine. Basically, every 1000 seconds all zombies check for line of sight to the player or any zombie with line of sight to the player, then if they don't have it move to a random spot in an 80x80 square around themselves. If they have line of sight to the player or another aggressive zombie, they will add a waypoint at the player's location.

    So they'll chase you around corners and stuff, but if they can't see you they'll keep moving until they have no waypoints left then go back to idling - unless they see you again.

  • It would also be good to be able to set another object's location to a tilegrid's tile location, maybe via a value of "Tilegrid.Tile(x,y)" or something like that.

    I've been doing it on a grid of 16x16 tiles by using Set X to Sprite('PseudoX') * 16, and same sort of thing for Y, but it's kind of annoying to do.

  • Okay let's stop this, it's kind of annoying now.


  • I need to login twice until i am in. I type in my username, i type in my password, and am NOT logged in. Then i type in my usernam and my password again. And now i am logged in.

    This happens everytime i come back. I have to log in twice to get in. Something goes definitely wrong here

    While at it, where is the autologin setting?

    Login via 'Log in to check your private messages' and it should have an auto-login checkbox there.

    As to having to login twice, try just going to another page on the forums. It might not be displaying that you're logged in, while actually logging you in correctly.

  • I have four copied backup version of Phys-Box, every time I close Construct I always copy them from the original before I go do something else.

    I usually don't have to go back more than a few minutes if something does mess up, and usually it's something from my system (Vista seems to like failing to access my hard drive every few hours or so when I have too many things running, causing insta-bluescreen)

  • can i haz a banan plz


  • That's pretty damn awesome deadeye. Better than what I can do D:

    I'm going to make the survival game basically a topdown thing, mostly because topdown is incredibly simple for me to sprite. I want to basically make it like Stranded but 2D topdown and eventually multiplayer, with mining into the rock, Z-levels and building non-preset buildings, and expanding it from there. Right now it's really in concept stage only, as I'm trying to redevelop Phys-Box to be easier to add on to - poor planning earlier in development and haphazard creation of triggers has made it hell to work with so I'm just going to completely remake it. I'd like to have a proper animated character in there too, rather than just an emoticon. Emoticon games are really just an in-joke of Facepunch, especially the sidescrollers (there's been two sidescrolling games based on Facepunch, the second one of which being D:FP which is being developed by SuperV and Mesothere with possibilities of using the redeveloped Phys-Box for objects and stuff)

    But anyway, I'm gonna go do some on this survival game, see what I can achieve.

  • Hmm! You can create scripts by right-click > add script in the event editor... I couldn't get if it did work or I can't script it! Ashley, do it works?

    I think this is just a bugfix build, in between the previous build and Python support.

    ie Python isn't in yet. But it won't be too long.

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Drew Carey

Member since 9 Jan, 2008

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