Drew Carey's Recent Forum Activity

  • Keep up the good work Mk! As I have a plan for something awesome...

    ...MP zombie survival, anyone?

    Heyy, I was going to do that with Phys-Box! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" />

    Well, in all seriousness, I'm only really waiting on Families and multiple event sheets to start making it with zombies, and in the meantime I'm doing an RTS and experimenting with external files, so when families/event sheets are better implemented I should be able to put in:

    • Zombies, which move, throw objects, climb ledges, and use a sound/sight system to detect the player (and look at things like physics objects hitting the ground or other objects, possibly seeing the player)
    • External map files (and an ingame mapping thing, just basically being able to place flat grey boxes in the editor, and place down physics objects, etc. should be able to do it with object spawning/properties pretty easily)
    • Map downloads from a server (thanks D2K5, for your unknowing contributions of space <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" />) when joining online games (once online works)

    Not to mention making the game overall much nicer to look at and listen to, with sounds (no music), some nice spark effects, and some less cosmetic changes such as scaled damage made from relative velocity and mass of colliding objects, and a player that dies, gibs on being exploded with explosions, etc. and eventually perhaps making actual people instead of using :geno: from Facepunch as the player, except I'd need a good spriter to do that because I suck at humanoids and **** (and animating)

    But right now, my RTS thing. Which I shall continue on later today. I did some work on it today because my ISP ****** something up and my net was out from 6am to 11pm.

  • >

    > > Whoops, that was dumb ^^ sorry for wasting your time! ... umm.. is there any way to transfer one object to another layout?

    > >

    > Should be able to copy and paste it (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V respectively) between layouts.


    I mean, in-time in the game... like teleporting...

    Woops, my bad.

    Best bet would be to check 'Global' in the Common properties of the object, and create one in the next layout on entrance. I haven't tested this, though, and I don't think it would transfer private variables so you'd probably have to either run it from globals or dump the private values to global variables and restore them in the next layout.

  • You could have a private variable for the number of strings on each talking NPC.

    So it would be "Set text "Talking.String(1+random(Talking('numstrings'))" or something to that effect. (I believe private variables are referenced with object('variable') are they not? Or at least, object.variable has never worked for me)

  • I know you sort of answered this before, but a 3D sprite object would work right?

    I mean an object that works like a sprite but uses a 3D character model (and animations) instead?

    Would that have problems being implemented (such as collisions and such)?

    I'd imagine not since it would behave like a 2D sprite (collisions and all) but use a model instead of a sprite. But then again, I'm no genius.

    That's one of the things I hated most with you know who's product, oh what the heck, actually I mean MMF. They had a 3D sprite object, but it was very poorly implemented and they never did anything with it (but then again, their engine couldn't really handle 3D in the first place while Construct is made for Direct X9).

    Like I mentioned before, I want to make a game like Contra: Shattered Soldier (2.5D platformer). I don't like working with sprites. I'd rather use a 3D model (and I don't mean one prerendered as a 2D sprite, because that looks.. yuck) because it would be a lot easier to work with. I would rather animate a 3D model (easier) then try to animate a sprite (very hard for me). Plus I think it looks better and much more "modern", which suits my style better.

    Anyway, sorry to ramble off like that but to get back to the point: Would a psuedo-3D type of sprite object would have the same collision problems as a full 3D implementation? You know, just a 3D model that works like a sprite object (except displays a polygonal model rather than pixels)?

    Because if anything (as far as 3D goes), if this program could have a feature like that (and I know it CAN, but rather if it DOES if not anything else), it would make my life a lot easier and make me one happy camper.

    As far as I know, all you could honestly do is export the animation steps of the model using a renderer and use that as a sprite, because displaying a polygonal model in any way isn't particularly high on the priorities right now (to my knowledge).

    It would be nice but as it is Construct is pretty much strictly 2D right now.

    Better 3D support may come with SDL.

  • Hello there! I've got a string, with a coupple of private variables. I want it to display it's own variables in the string, how do i do that. When i try to write an expression, it just displays the expression. I'm soure it's someting simple.. i just can't come up with it right now.

    I assume you meant a text object.

    Just reference it with Text('varname') outside of quotes in the set text function (you must use the set text function to include variables I believe)

  • I'm not sure about this (in fact I'm 90% sure it won't work but it won't hurt to try) but Ashley, if you tried setting the DirectX to put the fonts at "*pt" rather than just the number. I know this is used to specify points size in HTML.

    Alternatively, work on the standard of 12pt = 16px high (or 1pt=1px on Mac, because they use 72DPI rather than 96DPI). For every 3pt add 1px and refine it from that. I just work with 14, it's good enough.

    Or could you possibly set the application runtime to use px as its font measurement? Or allow users to append pt/px/em etc. to their sizes (this may already work, but I doubt it)

  • Construct runs great on my machine, which was bought in '98. It's a P3 600, 450MB of ram and a Geforce MX 420. And XP. Probably all he needs is a new graphics card and XP, which would be cheaper than a whole new computer.

    Actually with anything that old you'd be better off buying a whole new rig (I don't mean to sound like a spoiled snob here, my computers are still bad too)

    But it's a bit of a waste of money updating outdated technology bit-by-bit, because you either update the motherboard first and have to build the rest of it later on your new Mobo or you update the motherboard later in which case you've gone and spent money on something probably incompatible.

  • I have another cap with animation taken from above. This is better because it makes natural movement for all direction.

    One thing I had problem with is running animation only when moving or any key is down. I have tried many variations but nothing work.

    I would appreciate your help on this.


    I'll take a quick look and see if I can find a good way to do it. I have an inkling of one coming <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" />

    Sorry, not going to do it right now... I'm tired, and frustrated, and my computer has decided to slow to a crawl every time I do anything so I'm just going to shut down and get some sleep.

    I'll have another go tomorrow.

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  • If you take a look at the .cap for Phys-Box you can see how I've done it.

    Create a new animation and add the angle 0 degrees to it. Call it "WalkLeft" for this example.

    Add your left-facing frames to WalkLeft. Add your right-facing framed to Default.

    Now add an event, so that when he changes directions (on your key press is a good place to put it) from right to left, add "Set Animation - WalkLeft". To the event for changing left to right, add "Set Animation - Default". Ensure that they are separate animations, and that WalkLeft is not a sub-animation of Default (I am unable to reference sub-animations, I do not know if this is a bug or if I'm simply doing it wrong).

  • Doesn't phpBB2 have a built in word filter, and features to allow people to disable it in their account settings?

    Could set that up, although it's definitely more pleasing when people don't swear at all (I have a bad habit of it)

  • Whoops, that was dumb ^^ sorry for wasting your time! ... umm.. is there any way to transfer one object to another layout?

    Should be able to copy and paste it (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V respectively) between layouts.

  • The key thing is to reproduce this, I thought event sheets might not be bulletproof yet. If you can reproduce it in a .cap fire it off in an email to ashley@scirra.com and I'll take a look.

    I'll re-split my event sheets and see if it does it again later today.

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Drew Carey

Member since 9 Jan, 2008

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