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  • I figured i'd ask before having a mild aneurysm trying to figure it out.

    how would you make a selected ***** of units move to the mouse but in there original configuration relative to each other, but not necessarily maintaining there formation while moving.

    i think its pretty commonplace in most modern Rts's ,i know total annihilation had it.

    i don't know if i did a good job explaining my dilemma, so i made this little diagram to confuse you even more.


    `````````````` ----------------------------------------> X

    ```````` ---------------------------------------->X (click)

    ``````````` ---------------------------------------->X


    ( = selected units original position) ( X = destination)


  • hat's very nice. I tried to mirror the animations when checking if the X of the mouse is behind the X of the head and at the same time apply the same hinges you have in the start of the layout. but the objects don't go to their places. I tried to check the points and they all seem correct. I don't understand why it doesn't work.

    yeah hopefully scirra fixes it so changes in animation does not break hinges, if that were the case this type of movement would be plausible. but i really have no idea whats involved under the hood, it may be a rather complex problem.

  • rule/step #1- make a intuitive way to exit your game before posting. Aside from the good old fashion Ctrl alt delete. Seems to be the most overlooked thing in early releases of games.

    Interesting take on a physics platformer.

    The simple shapes and colors have an interesting digital feel. It needs more�pizzazz... Although I take it was originally intended to just be a way to play around with the physics in construct.

    At first the overall goal of the game seemed missing. What are you trying to do? I assume get to the other side, but when you get there you just fly off the edge. Due to the floating state of the world it took me a while before I realized I was supposed to double back to reach the finish and be assured all I did was waste my life.

    the demo was pretty void of enemy's. and all they did was push me, I�m assuming there bad guys since there red and called bad pucks, but maybe there loving family members trying to keep me from committing suicide by running off of the edge of the level. Seeing as at this point that�s all you can ,and inevitably will, do.

    The gravity is pretty weak, if you time it right you can fly across the entire level, is pretty fun, but how the levels set up, It doesn�t seem like I�m suppose to. Maybe make the force bar recharge while on the ground.

    I�m interested in seeing how far you take this game. Seems like if you spend some more time with it, it could be a fun game.

  • cool game.

    love how the only way you explode on ground collisions is if your main rotor collides. after messing with it for 30 minutes i was getting really good at doing cart wheels of death, then landing them unscathed.

    never could actually fly the damn thing though....


    a little physics based dragon.

    it was a character in a game, but i decided to scrap the physics movement. i was having issues with getting it to turn the other direction. mirror brakes all the hinges, the only thing i could think of is creating a whole new object every x seconds after it turns. but that would be double the objects.

    oh well, using a bullet based movement seams to be easier to control.


    left click -move

    right click -loosen jaw

  • thats sweet

  • Yay, this one loads!

    But the X360 controller plugin doesn't.

    [quote:36wiih2e]Error loading C:\Program Files\Scirra\Construct 0.99.42\Plugins\Xbox360Controller.csx (14001) - this plugin may not be available!


    already put it on the bug tracker

  • Error loading C:\Program Files\Scirra\Construct\Plugins\Xbox360Controller.csx (14001) - this plugin may not be available!

    i looked and it was there. just doesn't load.

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  • actually been working on a rts for some time off and on, id say the only REALLY hard part is making a competent enemy ai commander, all the rest is basically arrays and uid's,. and i guess making multi player is a ******* but i think the key is to try and keep it simple at first, 3 units 4 buildings one resource. then once you learn how to do that well, expand on it.

  • get a fully working engine with working enemy Ai, then I'd be willing to help with animations and objects.

    loved AoE2

  • Awesome game love the generation

  • also need to make it so you can save/ load the changes made to a canvas

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Member since 20 Sep, 2007

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