imipu's Recent Forum Activity

  • When the failedCount is more than 14, I want to change the animation . How can I do this?

  • I want to assign the value of exist = 1, which was retrieved via Ajax, to the variable"isEventFinished", but it doesn't seem to work. According to the debug, the data is being fetched correctly.

  • I tried to export as an Android bundle, but I couldn't due to an error, and I don't understand the cause. I don't remember changing any settings.


  • I've set conditions, but it seems not to check the X-coordinate position of the Sprite. Is it only checking the initial X set? How do I check it when it's moving with some behaviour?

    or... Is there any method to check the viewpointLeft of the sprite?

    I have changed like this.

    However, nothing changed.

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  • "On the item '' exist, what is the purpose of 'exist'? I wanted to put the value of the key into the variable only when the key exists, but I found that 'exist' doesn't perform any checks. If I don't use 'get', I can't execute 'set id to LocalStorage.ItemValue'."

    Related to my question.

    missing also does not work.

    "exists" and "missing" never be a trigger.

  • I thought 'on item "" exists' would trigger when there is an existing LocalStorage 'key', but that doesn't seem to be the case. I tried debugging, but it didn't pass through this process.


    When playing the game from the beginning and transitioning to the start,

    I want to transition to a different scene if the id has already been stored from the previous session.

    Default Value of Id = -1

  • Even though I made the following changes, it still results in an infinite loop.

  • When the first scene is loaded,

    I want to check if there is an Id in LocalStorage,

    and perform various processes accordingly.

    If the Id does not exist, I want to transition to the START scene.

    However, in my project, if the data does not exist, it does not go to START and falls into an infinite loop.

    What should I do?

    Also, Is there any good way to debug?

    Do I have to delete the user or storage in the browser to handle this?

  • I set up an AJAX call within a function. After the AJAX processing, that is, within the JSON response, I want to call another function with the original arguments from the parent function. How can I achieve this?

    I would like to put 'eventId' which is the argument of CheckEventFInished on setOnGoing

  • I want to play music when the scene starts. When returning to the same scene, the music plays multiple times, overlapping. Also, I don't think there seems to be a check to see if it's already playing based on the tag.

  • I want to include a process to check if the network communication is functioning properly upon startup. How can I do this? (Airplane mode, out of coverage)

    Is there any good way..?

  • As shown in the image below, I set an AJAX when loading the scene. However, for some reason, AJAX isn't working.

    In debugging, the Status Code is 0, perform as if it doesn't exist.

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Member since 29 Nov, 2022

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