imipu's Recent Forum Activity

  • Incidentally,I changed the text to "append" from "set Text". then..The loop becomes an infinite loop.

  • Thank you for your answer. I tried to add "." However , The output shows only the first element, and it seems that the second and third elements are not appearing.

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  • I want to loop through this JSON and insert each line into text. How can I do that?

    [ { "score": "315", "name": "Alex", "state": "Tokyo", "rank": "1" }, { "score": "315", "name": "Joe", "state": "New Mexico", "rank": "2" }, { "score": "22", "name": "Rishi", "state": "Paris", "rank": "3" } ]


  • I attempted to have my game switch to the first scene based on saved data. It appears that the value in Local Storage is not being properly assigned to the global variable. How can I assign the value from Local Storage to the global variable?

  • What is Wait Action.

    I could not seem to find "Wait" in the System condition.

  • How can I perform a process after a certain period of time, similar to setTimeout?

    When tapped, the sequence advances automatically. I want to control it with a few seconds delay.


  • I would like to use a JSON from API.

    like this?

    How can I fetch the status?

    I tried to fetch the status, checking the value. However,debug2 of the textbox only displayed 0.


  • I added AJAX:POST to URL in my eventsheet.

    I want to change the event based on the results of an API response. For example, when it is not sent successfully or when I don't know how to confirm the results of a POST, what should I do?

    For now, I want to check that my game gets a response correctly... I set a text for debug However, it does not work.


  • I added AJAX:POST to URL in my eventsheet.

    I want to change the event based on the results of an API response. For example, when it is not sent successfully or when I don't know how to confirm the results of a POST, what should I do?


  • There is a test mode option on behaviour on Construct side, is that enabled?

    Where Can I see the test mode option on Construct 3?

  • My project uses the production unit id in Admob and I'm not using a test terminal, but it always shows TestAd.

    Reports and statics are 0 in Admob Console.

    I don't know if this is an issue of Construct or an Admob issue, does anyone have a similar problem?


  • To tweet a score of my game, I would like to insert the score in URL parameter.

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Member since 29 Nov, 2022

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