How do I determine the x-coordinate position of a Sprite?

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A set of 10 pixel art animated magic effects with icons. 2 Fire, 2 Earth, 2 Wind, 2 Water, Portal, Explosion.
  • I've set conditions, but it seems not to check the X-coordinate position of the Sprite. Is it only checking the initial X set? How do I check it when it's moving with some behaviour?

    or... Is there any method to check the viewpointLeft of the sprite?

    I have changed like this.

    However, nothing changed.

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  • This is what chatgpt40 says:

    In Construct 3, you can determine the x-coordinate position of a sprite using the sprite's `X` property. Here are the steps to find the x-coordinate position of a sprite:

    1. **Access the Event Sheet:**

    - Open your project in Construct 3.

    - Navigate to the Event Sheet where you want to determine the sprite's x-coordinate.

    2. **Add an Event:**

    - Add a new event by clicking on "Add event."

    - Select the condition that will trigger when you want to check the x-coordinate. This could be something like "On start of layout," "On collision with another object," or any other event that fits your needs.

    3. **Add an Action:**

    - Within the event, add an action by clicking on "Add action."

    - Select the object (sprite) for which you want to get the x-coordinate.

    4. **Get the X Property:**

    - To retrieve the x-coordinate, use the expression `Sprite.X` where "Sprite" is the name of your sprite object.

    - You can use this expression to store the value in a variable, display it on the screen, or use it in any other way you need.

    Here's an example:

    ### Example: Displaying X-Coordinate on Screen

    1. **Event:** On start of layout

    2. **Action:** Text -> Set text

    - Text object: Choose the text object where you want to display the x-coordinate.

    - Text: `Sprite.X`


    Set Text to Sprite.X


    ### Example: Storing X-Coordinate in a Variable

    1. **Event:** On start of layout

    2. **Action:** System -> Set value

    - Variable: Choose or create a variable to store the x-coordinate.

    - Value: `Sprite.X`


    Set Variable 'SpriteX' to Sprite.X


    ### Example: Using X-Coordinate in a Condition

    If you want to use the x-coordinate in a condition, you can directly reference `Sprite.X` in the condition.

    1. **Event:** System -> Compare two values

    - First value: `Sprite.X`

    - Comparison: `<, >, =` etc.

    - Second value: Any value or another variable


    Compare Sprite.X < 100


    By following these steps, you can easily determine and use the x-coordinate position of a sprite in Construct 3.

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