Hello Colludium;
The viscous behavior is supposed to clipped to 100 is that correct? If I set it to 590 it crashes the elastic demo.
-> ctrl: LFJS Turn Elastic behavior ON for spawning
// only added these two lines
-> ctrl: LFJS Turn Viscous behavior ON for spawning
-> ctrl: LFJS Particle system viscous strength: 590
// end addition
the console value is:
ncaught (in promise) RuntimeError: float unrepresentable in integer range
at wasm-function[513]:0x2aa3e
at wasm-function[559]:0x3605e
at wasm-function[445]:0x20694
at wasm-function[94]:0x54b3
You could set up a test program that walks through all the possible (and some not possible) values for all the variables and see what crashes it.
thanks for your time