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  • It depends: Touch with mouse input enabled can work if all you need are left button clicks and drags. If you want something like detecting the mouse cursor hovering over an object, you still need the Mouse object for that, as the concept of hovering doesn't apply to touch input, or if you want to make use of middle/right clicks or the mouse wheel.

    Thanks. I have am making a Clicking Game (what I have so far here) and use mouse for things like hovering, but I have a text button that when you click on it, it goes to different layouts. I was wondering if I needed to use mouse and touch for it to work, but you answered my question! Thanks a million!

  • Hello guys! I am wondering if I need to use Mouse and Touch events on an object to add compatibility for Computers and Mobile, or if I'm fine with just touch. I know touch works great for my computer which has touchscreen, so I'm wondering if it works for all computers so I don't need to include mouse for a lot of stuff Thanks.


  • Hello Guys! I want to make a midi visualizer in Construct (free version) and I need to be able to use midi in connections, or at least be able to read midi files, and take action based on the notes at certain times. I saw this in the addon store, but it costs 12 dollars, and I want something for free. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.


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  • Hello! As the name states, I would like to make an Autoclicker Detector using Timers, or anything else that will work with little events. I am making a clicking game, and it speeds up the game to a far more then reasonable beating time if you use an autoclicker. I tried using a timer, but on my second click no matter what, it takes me to the autoclicker detected layout, no matter how long apart. Here is what I have:

    Can anyone help me?



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  • > > Hi guys,

    > >

    > > following my situation:

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > I would like to add an event in which, when I touch after the first time, before creating other random objects, it destroys the ones created previously. How can I do this?


    > Here is what I have done.




    > I made it so that when you click the button, it will call a function to delete the previous things, wait 0.0001 (or something like that), and then create new cards. The problem with the code you uploaded was that it would have the old cards underneath, so if there was a link, it would try to take you to all of the previous card links at once. I also added a ripple effect (or 3) so the user can tell when the hit the button, you can choose which one you like best, just make sure when you change it, you set it to start at the last frame (so it won't start before the user clicks the button). If you don't like any of the animations, then you can just change it back to the regular button.


    > I'd also suggest, that you push all the different pictures into one card, then just change the animation to a random one. That way, if you don't have the full version, you can save events.


    > Start by adding a instant variable, that is named, "GoTo" and have the system change the variable on the card depending on the name of the animation. Then all you need to do is add a event, "Mouse - On Object Clicked - Cards -- System - Go to layout (by name) - [Name_Of_Cards].GoTo"

    > also, "System - Every Tick -- Cards set value - GoTo - Cards.AnimationName


    > Note:For the instructions above, you can replace "Cards" With whatever you want the name of the cards to be. You also would need to have the layouts named 1, 2, and 3. The animation names would also need to be 1, 2, and 3. (Eg. Naruto's animation would be 1.)


    > Updated File:

    Hi, really thank you. I think it is an excellent work. I will start from that to go on. I think I will try to replace the objects with frames and animations in one object, because I want more or less 100 different cards. Also the short game is pretty cool. Thank you again :)

    Thanks! Glad to help!

  • Here's an example on how the game can run (I spent 10 mins on the levels, you can replace them.)

    The game works so that after you click the blue button, The blue button goes away, and two random cards are selected. The player will need to choose on of those cards, and each one will take you to a level (Naruto = 1 Sakura = 2 Sasuke = 3) then after the player completes the level, he will be taken back to the home screen, to click the button again. Every time the player completes a level, it adds 3 to each card (Naruto = 4 Sakura = 5 Sasuke = 6), and after they choose a card, it will take them to a new level (the layout names are 1,2,3,4,5, and 6. However, if the player picks Sasuke both times, they will be prompted to complete levels 3 & 6 because 3 + 3 = 6, but if the player picks Sakura both times, They will be prompted to complete levels 2 & 5 because 2 + 3 = 5.) I added the levels just for fun, so you could play them, but you won't be able to go past 2 rounds because 1 + 3 + 3 = 7, and I only have 6 level layouts, but you could keep adding to this forever! And if you can't figure out how to solve a level, just press "H" and it will reveal a path to the finish. I also just added the cards to show what one was selected, because if the player would click on the card again in a level, it would take them to the next level.

    I hope this works for you! Also, if you don't like the code and stuff I put in this one, just download the other one that I put.

  • I figured it out and wrote a whole paragraph! Maybe that's why it needs to be approved! I will give the finished link

  • > Can you add more detail, in how you would like the game to run?

    Everytime the Blue Button Is tapped random cards have to be creates on the 2 Grey slot. After that, if you push again the Blue Button before to spawn again other random cards system have to destroy the cards spawned before. This because tap after tap system Will create a lot of cards and It Will explode at the end 😅. I'm also thinking about to make a new layout in which I Will collect each card spawned from the slots. Do you think Is this possibile?

    I replied to this, but it needs to be approved. Sorry.

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