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  • Thanks a lot! Will try!

  • Hello everyone! Again, I have physics on top of Platformer, so that the player (a circle) will rotate when it moves. I have portals, and use the physics teleport to keep the momentum, but when it travels through, I want it to set the movement that happened with the physics to be put towards the angle of the portal, for example if the player goes through portal1 falling at a high speed, and portal2 is pointing up, they will come out of portal2 going up, the angle that portal2 is facing. Does anyone have any ideas? Below is my portal logic FYI:

    + player: On collision with portal1

    + System: [X] Is portaling

    + portal1: Is animation "Idle" playing

    -> player: Teleport Physics to (portal2.X, portal2.Y)

    -> System: Set portaling to True

    + player: On collision with portal2

    + System: [X] Is portaling

    + portal2: Is animation "Idle" playing

    -> player: Teleport Physics to (portal1.X, portal1.Y)

    -> System: Set portaling to True

    + player: [X] Is overlapping portal2

    + player: [X] Is overlapping portal1

    + System: Is portaling

    -> System: Set portaling to False

    Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

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  • Thank you so much, you've been a great help.

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  • Okay, that'll work! Thanks a lot! That gave me another great idea to basically add what in Cookie Clicker would be called, "Sugar Lumps" Can you help me use the date to first add in coins since suspension, then I'll learn from that. Also, is it possible to only add them in since suspension, and not since the tab was closed, computer shut down/hibernated, etc? Again, thanks!

  • Never mind, I figured it out! Thank you SOOOOO MUCH!!!

  • Thanks! What exactly did you mean with the container, will they both share the same variables, or what? Also, I set it to CoinsDisplay because if I set it to the number, something would go wrong after a while and it wouldn't change the price when the price changed.

  • Hello Guys!

    If you recall, I'm making a Planet Clicker game, and thought that some people might want to have it up in the background to give them coins even when they need to switch to something else temporarily (like reading an email for example). I saw a post, but it was from 7 years ago, and Construct 2. I was wondering if it is possible to prevent the suspending when you leave the tab or open a different window on top. I saw in the old post that it would run in low frames, which isn't a problem- all it needs to do is add a variable to another variable every .1 seconds, and every 1 second. I would be okay if it pauses the audio (in fact, this would be preferred) or unloads *small* amounts of data, like unused images and stuff too. Does anyone know how to do this? Also, I have the free version of Construct, and only 1 event left ): I've been looking through and trying to optimize stuff.

    Edit: After clearing some extra homemade special icing off the top of Santa's Cookies, I now have around 7 events left, but don't wish to use them all.


  • Hey everyone! I'm currently working on my Planet Clicker game and could use some help with a specific event:

    + System: Every tick

    + Price: Matcher = Coins.Matcher

    + Coins: Matcher = Price.Matcher

    -> Price: Set text to Coins.PriceDisplay

    I've set a unique instance variable ("Matcher") on both a Sprite Font (named "Price") and a Sprite (named "Coins"), with each having the same unique number shared between one Price text object and one coin. The goal is to update the Price text every tick to display another string instance variable on the Coin called "PriceDisplay" (that is set every tick to the "Price" number variable on the coin so that I can use "Price" for calculations, and "PriceDisplay" for text Input.)

    Additionally, I've implemented logic for when the coin is tapped or clicked to perform calculations:

    + Mouse: On Left button Clicked on Coins

    + Coins: Price ≤ Coins

    -> System: Add Coins.CPSAdded to CPS

    -> System: Set CoinClickAmmount to Coins.ClickMultiplier × CoinClickAmmount

    -> System: Subtract Coins.Price from Coins

    -> Coins: Set Price to Coins.Price × Coins.PriceMultiplier

    -> System: Add Coins.ONECPSadded to OneCPS

    -> Audio: Play PurchaseComplete.webm not looping at volume -10 dB (stereo pan 0, tag "")

    -> VariableSetter2: Start Timer "Purchased" for 0.5 (Once)

    Now, when transitioning to a different shop layout, the text boxes only display "Price," which is the default text I've set in the layout editor as the text. They are supposed to dynamically change every tick based on the game logic. Both shops share the same event sheet, and all text boxes have unique numbers matching the coins Matcher variable. However, they are not being updated to display the correct text at every tick or at all. I've debugged the layouts, and the matchers seem correct, and the Price display is correctly set to the price, but the text boxes remain unchanged.

    I apologize for the lengthy post, but I would greatly appreciate any help or insights anyone can provide!

  • Hello Everyone!!! I just released my game that took me over a month to make. It is called Planet Clicker. At first when I released it, it was decent quality, however, it had some ugly default html buttons in it, and a little checkbox in the corner to select to load a game rather then start a new one. All of those ugly impurities have been improved, and there are now many sounds too! I removed all of the default things and replaced them with nicer things. Now, you can also use the spacebar! Check it out!

    Thank you all for supporting me!


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