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  • Thank you sooo much!!! Can't believe I didn't think of this lol. You're a big help!

  • Hello! I've decided to work with C2 again for a new project (without MIDI lol) and want to make an Sprite by the name of "bounds", which with one animation is a circle, and the inside transparent, so only the border is showing, and the second animation is a square, with the same idea. They are both one-framed animations. I want to make it so when a different sprite, "smallCircle" (with physics on default settings) is on the inside of the "bounds" object (with immovable physics) that it can move, and then stops when it hits the border.

    I've tried using polygonal points, but just can't get it down, and it uses way too many points, + the lines overlap so physics don't work.

    Does anyone have any ideas?


  • Thank you! I will look into it!

  • I've gotten a long ways with all of your help, and just added more stuff to my uploaded C2 example, and I'm starting to get more familiar with Construct 2, and like it a lot more then C3 now (mostly).

    Now, I have one last thing to do to get it to work.

    I've seen blackhornet's Midi Plugin and indeed downloaded it, and it seems like it would be nice if it was updated a little bit later then 2014, after all, browsers didn't support MIDI back then. Last, but not least, I'm looking for a way to do what he did here, with the drag and drop a MIDI file, but (if possible) with a newer addon.

    Sorry for posting again, but I really am curious, and spent many hours on this. If anyone knows of a free plugin or something that can help me achieve this without much trouble.

    Thanks again!

  • Honestly best you can easily do is add the tint effect to a layer where the particles are. Gotta work within free limits.

    Another idea to explore is a layer with a colored background and the particles with blend modes. But that honestly probably won’t work the same.

    If the particles object lets you load an image at runtime you could use js to modify the pixels of an image and load that. But you’d need to make a plug-in or do something hacky with the browser execjs action to do that. More trouble than it’s worth maybe.

    You could make a plug-in but construct’s renderer doesn’t provide a way to tint a texture. In theory you could hack the renderer to run arbitrary shaders there. But that’s absolutely not worth the trouble. We just wanted to tint an image, not redesign the entire engine renderer.

    Anyways you could probably try the first two. This was meant to give ideas to attempt. They may not work out.

    Wow! I completely forgot about adding effects to layers! Thank you! I will take that into account!

    Or you can make your own alternative to the Particles object by spawning a bunch of small sprites with different behaviors - rotate, bullet, sine etc. Randomize their parameters on creation.

    This is another good idea, but I just found out something while trying to recolor a sprite with my plugin: It doesn't work at all. Do you know of any sprite recoloring things? If not, it's fine, and I'll work with what I have. Thanks A LOT for all of your help!

  • Yeah... Are you sure there's no way to change the color of particles? Like, 100% Sure? If there was a way to bypass the 2 effect limit, it would work flawlessly, but I'm not sure of any ways...

    Also, I have spent around 5 hours working on it, I think it's too far to go back πŸ˜… Just finished adding a separate instance of an object for all 88 piano keys, and lined them up perfectly lol

    I don't care how I change the color, I just want to set the color in any way to the user input. I found a behavior that works on sprites, but doesn't appear to work on particles...

  • How exactly can I do this? Also, thanks for the reply! (P.S. I'm using Construct 2) Also, I've added much more to my uploaded c2 one. I would appreciate it though, if there was a behavior or plugin to change the color (3rd party or not, I just want to get the job done), I don't know about the sprite method... It doesn't appear to be in the C2 particle manual, but is in the C3 one.

  • dop2000 sorry if this pings you, but you usually have good answers. Any ideas?

  • Also, here is the C2 upload of what I have so far and the C3 upload of what I had, then decided to switch to C2.

    I like the C2 particles WAYY more, and decided to not switch back, but I have this obstacle.

    Also, Families are also restricted: I can't use them in the free version :/

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  • Hello!

    I decided to switch to Construct 2 for a bit, because that's the only thing with a Free MIDI Plugin, but I noticed it doesn't have a set color option.

    I'm looking for an addon (not an effect) so I can change the color of multiple particle objects. I'm not going to make separate objects for each particle to make different colors, because I set the color based on user input, with a html color picker plugin that I use.

    I've already looked at different ways, but none of them suite me, and the only color changing plugins & behaviors I've found so far are for sprites only, and I don't want to use effects (such as Tint), because I have 6 different particle objects, and free version limitations make it so I can only use 2 effects (sadly)

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks for all your answers and support all this way! πŸ’–

  • Update: Now, it's giving me "TypeError: expected function" rather then "expected object" after changing the icon to a SVG rather than PNG, and maybe (I don't think so, but maybe) changing other stuff.

  • Hello everyone! I decided to make a Midi Construct 3 Addon (and plan to publish it for free), and when I try to load Construct to test it, it doesn't work, and gives this error when loading Construct with a red background, "TypeError: expected object" and that's it. I've tried different things for over an hour, and yet the same error. Here is my tree for the folder:

    C:. β”‚ aces.json β”‚ addon.json β”‚ edittime.js β”‚ icon.png β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€β”€c3runtime β”‚ runtime.js β”‚ └───lang en-US.json

    If anyone wants to see my files to try and find out what I did wrong, I uploaded them to Github.

    Does anyone have any ideas?



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