How do I make a Physics Sprite, with a hollow circle/square?

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2 Squares
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Turn the center squares so it matches the other.
  • Hello! I've decided to work with C2 again for a new project (without MIDI lol) and want to make an Sprite by the name of "bounds", which with one animation is a circle, and the inside transparent, so only the border is showing, and the second animation is a square, with the same idea. They are both one-framed animations. I want to make it so when a different sprite, "smallCircle" (with physics on default settings) is on the inside of the "bounds" object (with immovable physics) that it can move, and then stops when it hits the border.

    I've tried using polygonal points, but just can't get it down, and it uses way too many points, + the lines overlap so physics don't work.

    Does anyone have any ideas?


  • Pick whatever shape you want (in my example I'm using a circle)

    Create a sprite that has whatever shape cutout you want in it and cut it in half.

    Then make sure the image point is set to the right.

    Next edit the collision polygon to make it match your shape. (I used a lot of points, but you can probably get away with a lot less, especially if your shape has only straight lines)

    Now in the layout place 2 copies of the sprite. Set the angle of the one on the right to 180.

    From here it's as simple as giving the sprite the physics behavior and putting whatever physics object you want into it. :)

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  • Thank you sooo much!!! Can't believe I didn't think of this lol. You're a big help!

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