How do I use Timers to make an Autoclicker Detector?

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  • Hello! As the name states, I would like to make an Autoclicker Detector using Timers, or anything else that will work with little events. I am making a clicking game, and it speeds up the game to a far more then reasonable beating time if you use an autoclicker. I tried using a timer, but on my second click no matter what, it takes me to the autoclicker detected layout, no matter how long apart. Here is what I have:

    Can anyone help me?



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  • Might be an event order issue where by the time it gets to the 3rd and 4th events the timer is running. Try moving the bottom two events above the first two events, this will check if that is the problem. Then I would fix this by putting them in the same event using sub events - timer is not running, Else.

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