Thanx you, to all of you...
Thanks but there is just one problem your copy is verison 183 and mine is 173 how do i fix this?
thanks and will anyone let me know when they find a cloud effect... please?
anyone want to share a .capx file with me on how to use more than 1 frame for more than 1 level and level select screen as you see i have 50 levels and 10 worlds in my game so a total of 500 but i want only 24 in my demo version of my game and i do not need the level select to take me to the previous level or world once i have completed one and clicked on the next level select button for moving to the next level or world(level select screen) i also want to make a cartoon about my game character and have the player be able to choose one from 20 from my server each video is approximately 4 minutes long.
I just want a simple cloud and smoke to make it look like a realistic 2d cloud floating...
please give me more details as to how i can attempt to resolve this, anyone?
thanks its just i am used to built in particle effects, like other programs use...
the type writer dialogue boxes... for the rpg...
Not to seem mean and snarky and nasty but, you could do a update of your construct version...
similar to candy crush...
it might be possible to use a scrolling background to fool the player into thinking they are constantly moving... you should then pause this and restart once they lose a life, or whatever you want to cause this...
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
So i was wondering if you had to draw the sprites and import them as particles or their some prepackaged particle effects?
Member since 19 Sep, 2014