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  • You would need to add conditions to the other events which call other animations. And have it check to see that the "punch1" animation is not playing. So the "punch1", will basically gain priority. And, the other animations will not play while playing the punch animation.

    For the run events for example. Add a condition below the key down. For the new event condition check if the "punch1" animation is currently playing. But, invert that condition, so it has the Red "X" on it. This will make sure that the run animation is not playing while the punch animation is playing.

  • You would simply mirror the sprite object while it's moving left and right accordingly.

    If the initial walking animation is facing right. Then it would be not mirrored while moving right, and mirrored while walking left. And, the opposite would be true, if the initial walking animation is facing to the left.

    Flipping in Construct 3, usually relates to flipping a sprite object upside down or right side up.

    If you search YouTube for something like "Construct 3 Platformer Tutorial", you'll find plenty of tutorials explaining this. There are also a ton of examples built into construct which will show how to do this right in their event sheets as an example.

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  • Are you looking to add a separate animation for a double jump as well? You might find this tutorial useful:

    FoozleCC on YouTube does a great job, explaining how to create a state machine for a platforming game. I've used this for my current project, and have heavily modified it, and expanded upon the foundation he teaches in this tutorial.

    I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, but you might find an answer there. I think you want a separate animation, or frame, for the apex of the jump. For this you would need to track the players Y position. From where it begins the jump, then when it reaches roughly the maximum height(depending on your platformer behavior preferences), and change state and/or animation when it reaches that Y position in relation to where it began before the jump.

    An easy way to do this may be to have both animations, all within the jumping animation. Then set it to not be a looping animation. So it's timed to play the beginning jump animation, through to the new animation at the top of the jump then stop playing. Then, switch to the falling animation while falling.

    Not sure if any of this helpful. It's early here, and I'm still waking up XD. Not sure how much help I'll be today, as it's a busy one. But, I'll try to check back here and there if you're around.

  • I'm pretty sure I've seen several bugs that happen when scaling something to exactly 0. My only guess is it's possibly a floating point error and the sprite actually ends up scaling to -0.00000000017 or something, flipping/mirroring it.

    Ahh, okay. That makes sense now that you've mentioned it. Thanks for your input :)

    I'm making a mental note, to never scale any object down to absolute 0 x 0 moving forward. I was playing around with it for about 15-20min, thinking *This is odd.. What the heck.. 0.o*

    It was fun to watch it running along the bottom of the platforms for a bit here and there though. Felt like gravity was reversed, and yet not at the same time.

  • This isn't really a "How To", so I figured I would create a thread here. Purely out of curiosity, as I've already gotten the issue sorted out.

    I'm working on a teleportation system today. Where the player jumps into a teleporter sprite, shrinks in size(using tween), teleports to another teleporter sprite, then goes back to normal size(finishing the tween).

    Originally I was doing a Linear Tween with Ping Pong enabled, and setting the Scale down to "0 x 0". Half way through the tween, the Player is set to the position of another teleporter, then the tween goes back to it's normal size using the ping pong effect. While using a scale of 0 x 0, it had an odd effect of sometimes flipping the sprite object upside down. But, the second I changed the scale to an incredibly small value, "0.001 x 0.001" it works fine. I thoroughly tested it with the small value, rather than 0, and everything seems perfect now.

    After the teleportation happens, the PlayerBox(collision box for the Player Sprite Object) uses the Move To behavior to be be pushed up and to the right of the teleporter sprite. All of that worked fine the entire time. Next I'm adding in a check to see whether the player enters the original teleporter mirrored or not. Then, make it so the PlayerBox is pushed up and to the left of the teleporter if it's mirrored on entry.

    I'm just really curious as to why a scale of 0 x 0 sometimes flipped the sprite upside down. Then after enough teleportation events took place, it would eventually flip itself right-side up. It seemed to happen very randomly, and no set count of teleports to flip. I've uploaded a small screenshot below, to show what I've got so far. Which is currently working as intended.

    Again, this is just out of curiosity. I just found it sort of strange. For some reason, a part of my mind decided to try a very small scale rather than 0 x 0. Thinking that having the sprite disappear entirely was for some reason causing the flipping action to happen. (0.o)

  • The shortcut is the "X" Key.

    Just highlight the Event in your sheet you would like to add an "Else" statement to. Then, simply press "X" on your keyboard.

    The first few months of using Construct I'd leave a tab open in my browser to the Shortcuts page in the Documentation. It helps make working in Construct 3 that much faster, the more you can memorize the shortcut key combinations.

  • Makes sense to me. First time for everything, haha. I handle pretty much everything through my Event Sheets. But, this is my first time messing about with Containers.

    The game play mechanic I am working with. I was originally handling it with creating, and pinning in one of my main Event Sheets. But found it works out better as a container.

    I'll just switch to doing pretty much the same thing as before, but set them up inside a container instead. Then just place the main object in the layouts, and have the rest handled, during the On Start of Layout.

    Thanks for your input lionz. Much appreciated!

    Have a great weekend :)

  • Hey folks :)

    I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far!

    Just a couple quick questions regarding manipulating Objects within a Container in the Layout Editor. As well as moving them around with "Snap to Grid" enabled. This is my first time setting up objects which reside within a Container.

    Anyways. I've noticed that once I have all the objects within the container where I'd like them. If I select multiple copies of the container, and right-click "Z Order -> Send to bottom of layer". Some of the objects within the containers will get switched over to other containers. Or sometimes all the selected containers that were moved to the bottom of the layer at once, seem to become one container.

    I found this a bit confusing, and not sure if this is a normal function of Construct 3 when editing in this way. I did some testing just now. And, it seems okay if I select one container at a time and do "Send to bottom of layer" of the Z Order.

    The issue was, my player sprite was walking behind the containers, where the player sprite should be walking in front of the container objects. Anyways, I've started just moving the Player Sprites to the top of the layer while working in the Layout Editor. Rather than moving each container to the back of the layer seperately.


    One more thing I noticed, which I'm not sure is normal or not. I will setup my container exactly as I'd like it to be. With all the objects within the container positioned exactly where they need to be for it to work properly. But, if I move a container around, or copy and paste a container with the "Snap to grid" property within the layout editor enabled. It will move each object within the container to the grid lines(snapping each object within the container to the closest grid line), and thus move the placement of the objects within the container.

    I thought the layout editor would treat the entire container as a single object, and snap the container to grid lines while leaving the objects positioned within the container where they had been placed. Doesn't seem to be the case though. Again, I'm not sure if this is the normal function of the Layout Editor while moving around Containers with Snap to Grid turned on while editing layouts.

    Just curious on these two things. Any answers are greatly appreciated :). I don't want to submit a bug report or anything. But, if this is normal behavior, I might try to put in a feature suggestion for one or both of these things. If it's even possible to add them to Construct 3.

  • I'll definitely check out those channels. Big thanks for all your help!

    Sure thing! You got it, (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

  • You can alter the instances of System > Wait Time in the Event Sheet as well. To speed things up. I modified some of them while working on making changes this morning to what you had. I forgot to set them back to what they were originally. My bad XD. It has been a crazy welcome to the new week today.

    Anyways, here's a couple YouTube Channels I highly recommend.

    Xanderwood - He's a great resource, and I've learned a ton from a few of his tutorial series. This is a great place to start. His original Platformer series is fantastic, and covers many areas of Construct 3. Perfect place for beginners to start learning. And, all his videos are concise, and has good flow from video to video. I tried to follow along with certain devs on YouTube when I was just starting out. And, wound up getting super confused because certain Events, Variables, etc, would change between videos.

    FoozleCC - Fore more advanced topics, I highly recommend FoozleCC. Everything from using the latest 3D features of Construct, to complex mathematical formulas. He was slowing down with his YouTube Channel for a while(he had another child). But, the last time I chatted with him online, he was saying he's trying to get regular with the uploads again. I haven't looked over his uploads in a while. I developed the Player State Machine in my current major project, based off of one of his videos. Then, expanded on it, and added a bunch of things on top of it.

    Game Design with Reilly - I haven't gone through much of his videos. But, I came across his channel a few times over the past year. I just picked up using Construct 3 again about 10 months ago, but had a 5 month break from it over the Winter, while dealing with other things in life. The videos I have come across, have been solid though :)

    I'll be starting a tutorial series for my current platformer project as well. Showing folks how to build a fairly advanced Platformer game from the ground up. With all sorts of power-ups, falling platforms, etc. Not really anything educational there yet. But, you are welcome to visit whenever. Hope you all don't mind the plug XD. If you do visit, you'll notice I don't have any sound effects yet. I need to spend a day and find decent licensed sound for that part of it. Sound alone adds a lot to gameplay. Especially for one of the latest Player moves I've added, which is a **** Slam like in Mario. Just added a few things that interact with that ability the end of last week, and today as well.

    EDIT: I'll leave the question of all splatters be the same for each EnemySprite Destroyed, up to you ;). Unless Everade, or someone else wants to jump in. I've got a busy night/week ahead. Take Care, and best of luck!

  • mbuckenmeyer90 - Do you have a good email I can reach out with some YouTube Channel recommendations? I can gather some of the Channel subscriptions from my YouTube account later tonight, or in the morning. If not, I will make another post here in this thread.

    I saved the .c3p files in the latest beta version, "r301" which was just released today. Just be sure to be using the Beta version in your Construct 3 Settings, and it should update itself to r301 automatically.

    The loop that Everade made is included at the bottom of the latest example I uploaded to my Google Drive, incase you have trouble accessing it through the link provided earlier. (It is showing up as been deleted on my end as well, when I try to access the link.) The loop is very simple, and I'm sure you will understand by looking at it, practice using that functionality over time. It's the Event all the way at the bottom of the Event Sheet, which creates the Blood Splatters.

    I made a few small changes as well, like adding a fade effect to the splatters. So they fade then destroy(set with a tick box in the behavior properties) over a set time. The time it takes to fade is changeable in the Fade properties of the behavior on the splatter as well. Also, changed up the background color a bit, so you can see the random angles of the EnemySprite, to be sure they are working properly.

  • Don't be sorry, we're all just trying to help here. ;)

    Haha, exactly :). Between the two examples, there should be some good ideas, of how to simplify things. In my updated one above, including the loop from yours. It's a just a bit shorter, and uses less Sprites. Calling frames from a single sprite. And, removes the left click released events.

    But, as always, there are always many, many paths to the same outcome :)

    My mind always goes in a hundred different directions first thing in the morning. So many different projects going at once, between games and web development. But, I find helping others here in the community, forces me to think about different things, and tackle different issues that are not within my own projects. Which helps develop knowledge in all different areas of working with Construct.

    Either way. There are many options to get the intended result, whether it be something like this, or creating an edge grab mechanic for a platformer, firing multiple projectiles, etc.

    I really must take a quick breather, then get back to it. Managing server issues, while messing around with this example. If it's not one thing it's another.

    Hope you both have a fantastic day!

    ✌️ & ❤️

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