This isn't really a "How To", so I figured I would create a thread here. Purely out of curiosity, as I've already gotten the issue sorted out.
I'm working on a teleportation system today. Where the player jumps into a teleporter sprite, shrinks in size(using tween), teleports to another teleporter sprite, then goes back to normal size(finishing the tween).
Originally I was doing a Linear Tween with Ping Pong enabled, and setting the Scale down to "0 x 0". Half way through the tween, the Player is set to the position of another teleporter, then the tween goes back to it's normal size using the ping pong effect. While using a scale of 0 x 0, it had an odd effect of sometimes flipping the sprite object upside down. But, the second I changed the scale to an incredibly small value, "0.001 x 0.001" it works fine. I thoroughly tested it with the small value, rather than 0, and everything seems perfect now.
After the teleportation happens, the PlayerBox(collision box for the Player Sprite Object) uses the Move To behavior to be be pushed up and to the right of the teleporter sprite. All of that worked fine the entire time. Next I'm adding in a check to see whether the player enters the original teleporter mirrored or not. Then, make it so the PlayerBox is pushed up and to the left of the teleporter if it's mirrored on entry.
I'm just really curious as to why a scale of 0 x 0 sometimes flipped the sprite upside down. Then after enough teleportation events took place, it would eventually flip itself right-side up. It seemed to happen very randomly, and no set count of teleports to flip. I've uploaded a small screenshot below, to show what I've got so far. Which is currently working as intended.
Again, this is just out of curiosity. I just found it sort of strange. For some reason, a part of my mind decided to try a very small scale rather than 0 x 0. Thinking that having the sprite disappear entirely was for some reason causing the flipping action to happen. (0.o)